
Supermarket Swap: Mini Easter Eggs

This year, Simple Swap guru Nabula from Supermarket Swap is comparing mini easter eggs. Now before you tell us you don’t want us ruining your easter indulgence, hear us out! Searching for easter treats that are additive and preservative free, taste good and don’t break the bank is no small task, but if anyone can do it, Nabs can! And she has! We have the break down of good choices, better choices and options to avoid.

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Superhero Sprinkles | Extra goodness for your little Marvel’s Meals

Hands up if you’ve ever tried to sneak a few hidden veggies into a lasagne for your littles, only for your kiddo (who can’t manage to find their socks in a drawer right in front of them in the morning) to hunt out the smallest piece of mushroom known to man and turn their up their nose at the whole meal? We’ve all been there! Enter Superhero Sprinkles, the fine textured food toppers you can sprinkle onto any meal for a bit of added nutrients for your nibbles!

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RECIPE: Vegan Breakfast Banana Bread

The year 2020 taught us a few things, and one of them was the importance of a good banana bread. This version is refined sugar free, dairy free and vegan, which all sounds pretty good to us.

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RECIPE: Home made, no bake muesli bars

Packed full of chewy dried fruit and crunchy seeds, these delicious homemade muesli bars from The Cooking Collective make a healthy snack that everyone will love! There’s no baking required, they are quick and easy to prepare with basic pantry ingredients and they are a guaranteed lunchbox favourite.

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RECIPE: Savoury Bacon & Vegetable Muffins

Andrea Geddes from The Cooking Collective has shared with us her Savoury Bacon & Vegetable Muffin recipe. These muffins are so delicious and packed with nutritious vegetables like zucchini, carrot and spinach. Golden, cheesy and full of savoury bacon and cheese flavour, they are also freezer-friendly and made in just one bowl! Perfect for a mid-morning snack, sandwich substitute or lunchbox filler that both kids and adults will love.

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Fuelling your child’s mind and body at school

The start of the school year brings many exciting new experiences, but for parents the novelty of packing lunch boxes can quickly wear off! Add two or three kids into the mix, each with their own likes and dislikes to cater for, and it’s no wonder this feels like yet another task on a busy parent’s ‘to do’ list. Amanda Kelly from Practical Nutrition and Wellness gives us her top tips to building a nourishing lunchbox.

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Supermarket Swap: Back-to-school simple Lunch Box swaps

It’s almost time to start packing the lunchbox. But do you know what is in your food? It’s important to check sugar and sodium content, but don’t forget to look out for the additives and preservatives added into many popular lunchbox staples. It’s easy to avoid synthetic ingredients, simply swap the brand you buy! Here are three simple lunch box swaps just in time for back-to-school from Supermarket Swap.

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Dumpling 100 launches dumpling kits for kids

Set to be your kids’ new favourite meal, Adelaide based and locally produced business, Dumpling 100 have launched their brand-new nutritious dumplings for kids, each looking like a pocket of fun with their naturally derived coloured wrappings.

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Top 10 Toasties for after school snacking!

Jaffle. Toasted sandwich. Toasty toastie. Toast melt. Croque Monsieur. Grilled cheese. Cheese on toast. Reuben Sandwich. Whatever word you want to use, here at KIDDO, we believe that which we call a toastie by any another name would still taste as good.

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