Lucy Budzynska

Operation Flinders and the teen spirit

Our teenage years are some of the most formative years of our lives, yet for many, it’s far from smooth sailing. Negotiating the complexities of growing up is challenging enough, but when compounded by societal expectations, environmental stressors, and challenges at home, the journey can appear daunting. That’s where the Operation Flinders Foundation can help.

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Glenelg Winter Arts Festival returns this July

The Glenelg Winter Arts Festival returns to the shoreline of Glenelg this winter promising a thrilling lineup of events that will once again transform this iconic Adelaide coastal location into a hub of creativity and entertainment.

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Smart study tips for teens and tweens

Throughout Kumon Australia’s 40-year history, over one million children have relied on Kumon to develop essential mathematics and reading skills through studying Kumon worksheets, along with building a daily study habit that sets our students up for success in school and later life.

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Top 5 tips for maximising nutrition for children with ADHD

Healthy snacks for the growing tween

If you are the parent of a child entering or currently in the tween years, you would be aware that they are going through a tremendous amount of change. You may note the emotional growth, independence, change in identity and more self-awareness. Couple this change with growth spurts, hormonal changes, and puberty and you have yourself a tween that has an increased need for energy and nutrients to support development.

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Eloise Hall, TABOO

Empowering period care

Australia has seen significant strides in the global movement toward menstrual equity, and TABOO has been at the forefront of this battle. As a social enterprise with a mission-driven approach, TABOO is a beacon of hope and advocacy for those affected by period poverty.

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