Lucy Budzynska

Fostering curiosity in young scientists

Curiosity can help to support learning and deepen understanding, motivating children to ask questions and then actively explore the world around them to seek out answers, drawing critical connections between concepts and correcting misconceptions.

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No phones, now what?

“No phones now what?” Perhaps this was a question that flashed through the minds of many students late last year. Now this is rarely a question.

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The middle of the school year feels like a black hole to me; an abyss filled with interim test scores, completed assignments, partially eaten lunches, and the inevitable lost jumper. The kids are comfortable in their school routine but haven’t reached the point in the year where the light at the end of the tunnel of summer school holidays is anything more than a tiny pinprick.

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supermarket swap podcast

Supermarket Swap: Simple lunch box swaps

There is so much to think about as a parent. Have I packed the library bag? What activity do they have on today? Have they done their homework? What am I going to cook for dinner tonight? The mental load is insane!

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