
Inside the Toddler Mind By The Neuroscience Mumma

Dr Lyndsey Collins-PrainoTwitter: @lyndseypraino Somehow, I am now the mother of a two-year-old! My son Alexander turned two just a few days ago, and I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. Suddenly, where I used to see my tiny, helpless baby, nestled in my arms, there now stands my fiercely independent, funny, incredibly sweet little boy (not that he ever stands still for very long!). As we prepared to celebrate Alexander’s birthday, one theme I kept hearing on repeat was, “Uh oh! The terrible twos are about to strike! Better get ready!” But, is it true? Are the ‘two’s’ really so “terrible?” One thing that is definitely true is that the brain of a toddler is rapidly developing. Although the cells of the brain, called neurons, are mostly finished being produced by the time of birth, there are several important changes that occur in the first few years of life. One of these important changes is called myelination. Myelin is a fatty sheath that wraps around axons, which are the specialised processes that neurons use to send signals. Think about myelin as being similar to the insulation that wraps around cables. Just like insulation, myelin helps the signal to travel more quickly. This is particularly important for healthy brain development, as being able to send signals quickly between neurons allows for the dramatic increase in cognitive abilities, like memory and language, that we see in toddlers. Another major change that occurs in the toddler brain is the production of more connections between neurons, called synapses. In other words, during this time, the brain is wiring brain cells together into circuits, which are critical for higher order functions, like abstract thinking. By the time that a child is three years old, their brain will contain roughly 1,000 trillion synapses, which is twice as many as the adult brain contains! Not all of these connections are necessary, however; as the child ages, weak or unused synapses will be pruned away. Similar to pruning the branches of a tree, this helps the brain to function more efficiently. This synaptic pruning lasts well into early adulthood, particularly in brain regions like the prefrontal cortex, which is the portion of your brain that is important for higher order cognitive functions, like impulse control, decision making and attention. But how does the brain know which of the connections to keep and which to remove? Research has shown that it is critically dependent on activity occurring within these circuits. Another way to think of this is “use it or lose it.” Synapses or connections which are active are strengthened, and therefore kept. Conversely, synapses which are not activated remain weak and are eventually removed. This process is largely driven by the experiences that we have during our life, especially our early childhood, meaning which connections are kept and which are removed is highly individualised, allowing the brain to optimise its function for unique environments. What is particularly interesting is that different functions have different timeframes for when experience is likely to have the largest effect on strengthening connections between neurons. These are termed critical periods and correspond to the acquisition of certain skills and behaviours. Once this period passes, the behaviour is relatively unaffected by subsequent experience, and it may be difficult, or even impossible, to make up for deficiencies that occur during these times. Critical periods for the senses, like vision and hearing, occur quite early in infancy. For toddlers, however, they are in a critical time for developing language, cognitive skills and social behaviours, with all of these highly dependent on the experiences that the child is offered during this time. Research has shown that factors like extreme stress or a lack of warm, supportive relationships with caregivers can have lasting negative impacts on a child’s future emotional, cognitive and social skills. So the twos (and toddlerhood in general) aren’t really so terrible. Instead, these years are a period of rapid brain development, in which children are working to acquire many of the skills and behaviours needed to develop into happy, well-adjusted adults. Coupled with the fact that they often lack the words to express how they are feeling or what they need, and that they are just beginning to learn how to self-regulate their emotions and behaviours, no wonder they feel overwhelmed sometimes! So what can we, as caregivers, do to help? First, the more diverse the experiences we offer our little ones, the more we give those sponge-like brains the opportunity to strengthen the connections between brain cells. Second, we can model appropriate behaviours both in our interactions with our toddlers and in the interactions they see us have with others. Finally, we can practise positive discipline (yes, even when they’re chucking a major tantrum in the middle of the produce aisle at the grocery store). After all, the word discipline comes from the Latin word, disciplina, which means teaching or instruction. If we respond during these times with compassion, responsiveness and empathy, our children will eventually, in the face of this security, learn to self-soothe and self-regulate their own emotions. Even better, we will teach these lasting skills to our children, which will help to influence the sort of people they grow up to become. I, for one, can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of the “terrible” twos! Dr Lyndsey Collins-PrainoTwitter: @lyndseypraino

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KIDDO’s Top Book Week Costume Ideas for 2019

Book Week that time of year that will either spark joy or fear into you! Have you been planning your child’s costume for months, or are you ploughing through the kids costume box the morning of? We’ve found some adorable Book Week inspo to help you out. Here are our favourites: Paddington Bear Frida Kahlo Dr. Seuss The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar The Paper Bag Princess Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Shaun the Sheep Max from Where The Wild Things Are Where’s Wally Man in The Yellow Hat from Curious George Elmer the Patchwork Elephant GRUG Matilda Awful Auntie Peter Rabbit

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Starting Kindergarten in 2020? Goodstart Enrolments Are Now Open!

The year before school is so important for young children. It’s where they learn the skills to develop the confidence they need to make a smooth transition to school. If you are the parent of a three or four-year-old then you are probably already starting to consider what your options are for Kindergarten (also known as preschool) for 2020. For first time parents it can be a little overwhelming wrapping your head around the different options – Government run programs, sessional ELCs or Kindergarten at a centre-based long day care service. For a government preschool you also need to consider your ‘catchment area’ (or sometimes called ‘school zone’) and priority / wait lists may apply. Then cross your fingers and wait to see if you will be offered a place. Not to mention the added challenge of the traditionally limited Kindergarten hours – either ‘sessions’ or a ‘full 9-3 day’, maybe 2.5 days per week or perhaps a five-day fortnight. If both you and your partner are working, these inflexible hours can be hard to accommodate. This is when a Kindergarten program in a centre-based long day care setting, such as Goodstart Early Learning, has its perks. You get wraparound care for up to 12 hours a day, so your child can attend Kindergarten with the flexible longer hours you need. Plus, at Goodstart, nutritious meals are included (so no packing lunches, yay!!), there are extracurricular activities and all kindergarten children receive a polo shirt, hat and a drink bottle. And the icing on the cake, thanks to the Child Care Subsidy, if you attend a Goodstart Kindergarten Program you may be entitled to 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight. And, even better is that families don’t need to meet the activity test in order to qualify for this subsidy payment – that means that regardless of how much work or recognised activity you and your partner do, you can still receive payments to offset the cost of kindergarten. Learn more about the eligibility requirement online at,au So, what can you expect from Goodstart’s Kindergarten Program? At Goodstart the Kindergarten program is evidence based and is specifically designed for children aged 3-5 years. The curriculum is based on the Early Years Learning Framework, which is delivered by degree-qualified Early Childhood Teachers. This program nurtures children’s collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking skills. Goodstart’s high-quality Kindergarten program delivers a government approved curriculum and is geared towards helping children develop the foundational skills they need for a smooth transition to school. The program is built upon play-based learning which makes it active and fun for children and helps them develop an openness to learning that lasts well into adult life. The Goodstart Kindergarten Program helps children become school ready by developing their:§ Physical health and wellbeing§ Social competence§ Emotional maturity§ Language and cognitive skills§ Communication skills and general knowledge What is play-based learning? Play-based learning is a simple concept but because so many of us are accustomed to seeing learning occur in formal settings, it’s easily misunderstood. Play-based learning is all about the process that children embark on, rather than achieving a specific outcome. It’s an approach that is led by the child and supported by teachers and educators by recognising ‘teachable moments’ during play, or by carefully planning play experiences that open up opportunities for learning. When children engage in play, they are more motivated to learn and develop positive feelings towards learning. By drawing on their natural desires, play-based learning is perfect for young children. Enrolments are now open for the 2020 Goodstart Kindergarten Program. With nearly 50 centres across South Australia, there’s likely to be a Goodstart Early Learning centre near you. Book a tour and meet their friendly team early childhood teachers.

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Little Picassos – New Magill Location!

Pack your paints and let’s Gogh, Little Picassos has welcomed their fourth studio location at 485 The Parade, Magill! This new edition will join the Glenelg, Woodcraft and Hyde Park locations across SA. If your kiddo hasn’t already experienced the messy, vibrant, lively fun of a Little Picassos class, it’s time to get involved. They offer term classes, birthday parties, school holidays, art camp and now adult painting and ceramic classes! Founder, Janine Boyd, has a Bachelor of Education in Visual Arts with 20 years teaching experience as an art specialist in many South Australian Independent and State Schools. She understands the importance of messy play and believes that engaging children in art is a great emotional release where they can express themselves, reflect on their thoughts, feelings and the world around them. Art is also an opportunity to test out ideas and take risks, because the great thing in art is there is no right or wrong, just differences. Janine says ‘At Little Picassos we encourage differences, encourage children to share how they perceive something to be. This celebration of the individual child builds self-esteem, and confidence, the self-belief that what they do, see, and feel, is worthwhile and great’. For more information on class options and timetables visit:

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Is your child ready for the digital challenge?

Coding, Computers and Digital Learning Although opinion is divided on digital device use for younger children, all responsible parents agree they want their children to have the best possible start to education. And that’s because they know coding and computational thinking – basically how to speak to computers – will be crucial skills for this generation. So how can parents who are not comfortable with their preschool children using a digital device reconcile these two competing objectives? By teaching younger children coding and computational thinking skills with unplugged activities that require no devices at all! My 2019 Digital Challenge, which is being run in almost 200 South Australian schools for Years 3-6, has had a mini-makeover. It now includes an entirely unplugged ‘Learn to Speak Robot’ themed challenge, which has been designed specifically for 3-5 year olds. This new unplugged edition has been created in partnership with the Australian Computing Academy for the ‘pre-foundational learner’. The activities within this version of the Challenge teach concepts such as algorithmic and sequential thinking, and patterns and data representation through fun and simple play. How do they do this? By engaging kids in a game of robot hide and seek or choreographing a simple robot dance routine for the adults in their lives to perform! What are you waiting for? Get your boogie on and ‘do the robot’ with your pre-schooler today! Early Learning Challenge Unplugged Edition What age is it for? Children aged 3-5 years.Preschools, kindergartens, childcare and early learning centres across South Australia are able to sign up to receive the free activity packs and take part in the Early Learning Challenge. Your child will also be able to try this out with you at home, or at your local public library. What do I need? All that’s required is a computer with an internet connection to enable you to download the activity you would like to try, and a printer. If you do not have these, your local public library does, and could be a great place for you to access the Challenge to print out the Challenge materials so you can do each of the activities with your child. What are the Challenge Materials? There are two fun and completely unplugged activities to choose from. To obtain the two free activities, all you need do is register – this takes less than one minute.Children can complete either activity to complete the Challenge, but they are also welcome to try both. Play a game of Robot Hide and Seek with Cody Buttons Children are challenged to find Cody Buttons who is hiding in their playground or home, as an adult directs them to hidden printed robots using printed arrows. Children will decorate their own Cody Buttons (provided in pack) and they’ll use this template to collect stickers or stamps as they work through the Challenge. Do a Robot Dance with Cody Buttons Children will be invited to create their own dance sequence using images of Cody Buttons in different dance poses.Once completed, children show the routine they have created to caregivers in the immediate vicinity (who are absolutely obliged to turn up the volume and get their groove on!). We are happy to share captured footage of adults performing Cody-moves on our social media! If you’re a child, young person or parent and there’s something you think I should be doing to make things better for the lives of kids in SA, please get in touch! Sign up here:

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Adelaide Zoo Will Soon Welcome a New Variety Children’s Zoo!

Feeding the goats and patting the alpacas just got a whole lot more exciting kiddos! The Adelaide Zoo’s new Variety Children’s Zoo is just months from completion! Soon quokkas, critically-endangered bettongs, goats and many more of the zoos beloved animals will make the trot to the new and improved Variety Children’s Zoo. The sensory experience of being able to touch, feel and feed the animals will be even more thrilling for little ones than before. The $1.1 million plans include an interactive, immersive precinct connected to everyone’s favourite; Nature’s Playground. Variety Children’s Zoo will create ooh’s and ahh’s for years to come with its feature two-level elements, balance beams and ladders for goats, climbing branches for quokkas, a dedicated presentation area for keepers to give educational talks, and aerial walkways connecting the new children’s zoo to Nature’s Playground. Zoos SA Chief Executive Elaine Bensted says the new Variety Children’s Zoo will help encourage and develop the next generation of conservationists, no matter their ability. “Our vision for the Variety Children’s Zoo is to help kids get hands on as they learn and connect with wildlife, and in doing so develop a strong passion for conservation,” Ms Bensted says. Be the Face of the Variety Children’s Zoo! Want your face to be part of the new Zoo? A larger-than-life art installation will take centre stage in the new zoo area and, for just $50, people can purchase a tile with their photo to remain in the Variety Children’s Zoo forever. Submit your photo before 31 August to be part of the installation! For more information: Variety Children’s Zoo Art Competition Grab all your best colouring pencils and get ready to let your imagination run WILD! Draw your best goat, chicken, guinea pig, rabbit or quokka or zoo pic – the options are endless! Winning entries will be featured in the promotions for the new and exciting precinct. How special is that? Simply upload your child’s illustration to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #varietychildrenszoo, drop it to zoo staff or send to

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Does Your Child Need a Bit of Extra Help? Pass With Flying Colours @NumberWorks’Words

Pass With Flying Colours! Whether it’s grasping that forever dreaded long division or tackling the big scary NAPLAN test, NumberWorks‘nWords is here to lend a helping hand, with a gold star on top! If Abert Einstein or Thomas Edison struggled through school it’s very possible that your child could too. Or maybe they are excelling and want further mental stimulation outside of school. Either way, a tutor is never a bad decision. NumberWorks’nWords puts the fun back into learning Maths and English, catering to both high school and primary school level! They will work with you and your child to set goals each term and create an individualised program based on their specific needs. Their program is aligned to the Australian curriculum meaning that the strategies they teach are the same ones used in the classroom. And don’t worry, it’s not all hard work! NumberWorks’nWords puts a strong focus on learning through fun! They believe that if children see their own successes as they reach milestones in their program, they will be more confident and motivated to learn. This means rewards like certificates, treats and games! At NumberWorks’nWords all new students have a FREE ASSESSMENT during the initial 20-30 minutes of their complimentary first session. The tutor will discuss the results with you, and together, you can decide on the best program for your child. We asked Owner and Manager of NumberWorks’n’Words Norwood/Unley, Stella Walls, how to decide if your child needs tutoring: ‘We understand the dilemma. On one hand you’re thinking “Maybe I’ll just wait and see how things work out”. And then your mind does an about-turn and thinks, “If we don’t do something soon, it’ll become a bigger problem”.If you really want to find out if your child needs tuition services, you need to consult an expert educator. You can do this for no cost by booking a free assessment with us. It doesn’t cost a thing and you’ll get a clear picture of how your child is doing compared to other children of the same age. You’ll also get specific information about weaknesses and strengths, as well as an indication of how tuition could make a difference.’ Your child may need tuition at NumberWorks’nWords if he/she: Needs to increase skills Finds the discipline of homework hard going or needs help with homework Says he/she is OK, but your instincts are telling you something is not quite right Wants to get into or stay in the top group and feels a tutor will help Needs a confidence boost before moving to a new school or sitting exams Loves learning and just can’t get enough Can be disruptive during lessons or plays the class clown to cover up for non-achievement Has clear strengths, but also has weaknesses Two Locations!  Shop 553 – 59 The ParadeNorwoodAdelaide 5067 And Shop 5248 Unley RoadHyde ParkAdelaide 5061

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FAQ: How do you know when it’s time to see an Orthodontist?

As a parent it’s not unusual to have questions about orthodontic treatment for your kids. We thought we’d do some investigating for you and speak to the lovely team at Transform Orthodontic Care. The Transform team is led by Dr Daniel De Angelis, a South Australian accredited Specialist Orthodontist, who, has been straightening teeth and correcting bites for over 20 years. As a father to two young children, Dr De Angelis understands the challenges of parenthood and is caring and sensitive to the needs of his all his patients, particularly his youngest ones. He loves to see the excitement in their eyes as their smile and confidence transforms. Dr Daniel De Angelis Here’s some orthodontic advice straight from the Dr’s mouth: What age should my child see an orthodontist? As your child starts to lose their baby teeth to make way for adult teeth, you might be wondering whether their teeth are growing ‘normally’, and whether you need to take them to see a dentist or an orthodontist. Like everything when it comes to children, every child is different! Whether they need orthodontic treatment will really depend on the child, and if there is an issue that needs to be treated. My view is that seeing an orthodontist for an assessment at 7 years of age is a good idea. It means we can either rule out the need for early treatment, or if there are any problems present, we can talk you through the best course of action to put you and your child’s minds at ease. Correcting a potential problem before it eventuates can often be less complex than delayed treatment. For some children, early treatment can prevent physical trauma to the protruding front teeth and reduce emotional distress. Essentially, early orthodontic treatment can also save you money down the track, by reducing the need for more expensive treatment in later life (which we all like to hear!). How do I know when to take my child to see an orthodontist? If any of following things are concerning you, your child might need an orthodontic assessment: -Early loss of baby teeth (before age five) -If your child’s teeth don’t meet properly when biting -If your child’s front teeth are crowded (around age seven or eight) -Protruding front teeth -Biting or chewing difficulties -If your child’s jaw shifts when he or she opens or closes the mouth -If your child is older than five years and still sucks a thumb or finger How do we determine if early orthodontic treatment is necessary? One of the ways we determine if early orthodontic treatment is necessary in a child aged eight to ten is through identification of a developing malocclusion (known as a “bad bite”). This could include crowding, deep bites, crossbites and open bites. Early orthodontic treatment can assist in correcting more serious bite related problems, by guiding the jaw’s growth patterns and helping to make extra room in the mouth for permanent teeth as they come in. It’s important to begin early orthodontic treatment while a child’s jaw bones are still soft, as the bones are still pliable, making corrective procedures faster and more effective than in teens and adults. Appropriate early treatment is an effective pre-emptive measure that lays the foundation for a healthy and well-functioning mouth in adulthood. Do I need a referral from a Dentist? No, you don’t need a referral from a dentist. I like my patients to see their dentists regularly for a check-up and clean, maintaining general dental care is important. Our patients are rewarded with a movie voucher if they see their dentists every six months for a check-up and clean. Modbury, Norwood and West Lakes and St Peters 1300 870 @transformorthodonticcare

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Primary School for Your Family

There are many tough decisions we make as parents on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes the choice between distracting them with Peppa Pig or Baby Shark (while you’re trying to have a quiet moment to read the latest issue of KIDDO) is a hard bet. For parents, choosing a primary school is one of the first monumental decisions that will pave the way for the rest of their lives. Aside from the joyous new friendship making, glu-sticking, story reading, hand-clapping, alphabet-learning-fun that primary school is, it’s also one of the most formative periods in your child’s life. There’s no underestimating the importance of choosing the right primary school for your child and your family. As well as wanting your child to feel happy, safe and secure, and able to take risks in a supported environment, primary school is a time for each child to pursue interests and discover unique strengths. SPECIALISTS IN PRIMARY TEACHING As an International Baccalaureate Organisation World School, St Peter’s Woodlands (SPW) delivers the IBO Primary Years Program. This program fosters the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and the world outside. Engagement in the IBO Primary Years Program ensures children are seeking answers to real world issues. This inquiry approach, paired with the high value SPW places on developing individual social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual needs of children, means children are able to confidently pursue their unique interests and talents in smaller group sizes at every age. EDUCATORS “When teachers are well supported, they’re able to spend more time with each child to uncover individual strengths and interests,” says SPW’s Principal, Chris Prance. At SPW, classroom teachers are supported by a team of Learning Support teachers and assistants, who help develop, plan and resource programs designed to enrich learning for everyone. An initiative of the Learning Support team is The Hub, a centrally located space offering stimulating lunch time clubs and activities for all children. The library also offers a creative ‘Makerspace’ each lunchtime where children can challenge themselves with deliberately designed creative activities. Thanks to the support the school provides their educators, SPW has become a school of choice for teaching staff, boasting a high retention rate of staff, both male and female. STATE OF THE ART RESOURCES IN THE HEART OF GLENELG SPW has modern teaching spaces, facilities and resources to support each child in their learning and development.Students are supported to discover interests through engagement with purpose built facilities including the multimedia suite with green screen, dance studio, design and technology studio, music suite, visual art rooms and food technology centre. Children who love being outdoors can explore extensive play spaces and grounds, with three large grass playing fields along with multi-purpose outdoor and indoor court facilities, all within a short stroll to Glenelg beach. SPW recently constructed a nature play space, and actively creates educational programs to encourage outdoor learning and exploration of the environment. A RANGE OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES While SPW’s focus is strong on literacy and numeracy skills, they also offer a diverse and in depth extra-and co-curricular program with specialist teachers. To build self-esteem, it’s important for young people to excel at something, and feel proud of their individual achievement. Sport plays a large part in the SPW community, teaching team skills, cooperation and discipline. From Reception upwards, children can take part in sports including dance, gymnastics, netball, football, cricket, tennis, judo, basketball, soccer and netball. For the creatively inclined, SPW has a strong extra-curricular arts program, from one-on-one instrumental and voice instruction to various choirs, school musicals involving students from R-7, bands and ensemble participation. To help build your child’s confidence and citizenship skills SPW also offers Tournament of Minds, debating and public speaking, along with a strong Student Service program that incorporates leadership opportunities for students across multiple year levels. SPW offers something for everyone and has the resources to help your child succeed in the formative years of their educational journey. If you’re interested in finding out more information or to book a personal tour contact Jo Gray, Enrolments Manager, today. Find out more information or book a school tour visit:St Peter’s WoodlandsELC – Yr 7 Jo Gray, Enrolments 08 7221 6217

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Hanna Beaven Psychologist: Adjustment to Parenthood

You’ve discovered you’re pregnant by wee-ing on a stick, a couple (or a million) times, over a couple of months or several years, via the old-fashioned method or a more assisted process. You’ve cruised through an ‘easy’ pregnancy or ‘white knuckled’ it through the nausea, heart in your throat every scan (given past experiences of hearing devastating news at scan(s)), each personal milestone and movement while carrying your precious baby. You’ve navigated the process of birth in a public or private hospital or at home with a doula, midwife, obstetrician or all of them via a vaginal, caesarean or combined birth. You have held your precious baby in your arms for the first time. You’d be excused for thinking the hard work was past you, however, like any massive life changing event, becoming a parent will take you to the heights of ecstasy and the lows of questioning your decision to ever have a baby in the first place. Nothing can fully prepare you for the moment you realise that this baby is yours, and you are forever responsible for keeping this tiny human alive, and for better or worse your life will never be the same. In this article I’m hoping to either validate your experience as a new parent, or provide you with some food for thought if you are about to embark on parenthood. I do not want to scare anyone or make it sound like having a baby is a terrible idea – I obviously don’t endorse that given I have three beautiful children of my own! I do however, want to present a realistic and possible side to parenthood which is less likely to be discussed because we can feel pressure to only focus on the joys of being lucky enough to have had a baby. The following are just some of the areas which may be challenging after having a baby: Caring for and being home with a baby: The steep learning curve to care for a baby can feel like starting the most important job of your life without having received any training – which can lead to a lack of confidence. We are bombarded with the ‘rules’ of parenthood. This often unsolicited advice comes from various sources:– Well intentioned (fingers crossed) friends and family spanning several generations.– The plethora of parenting books which cover polar extremes of parenting styles and everything in between.– Random strangers when you’re out and about with your baby.– Health professionals – which can somehow provide contradictory information and advice on the exact same topic e.g. establishing breastfeeding. Some of the need to know safety information about caring for our baby can leave us feeling anxious and overwhelmed e.g. SIDS. We’re trying to make sense of all of the above through the fog of disrupted sleep while we’re physically recovering from giving birth and possibly trying to establish breastfeeding. Realising that any opportunity to sleep, have a shower or have your arms free is now a luxury between the repetitious schedule of feeding and settling duties. At times it can be boring caring for your baby at home on your own. New self – which now includes being a mother: We often tie ourselves in knots trying to be a ‘perfect parent’ which is as attainable as riding bareback on a unicorn. Trying to be a ‘super parent’ who can do it all, sets us up for failure and overwhelm. Negative comparisons to others – both to those in the flesh and to those on social media living their #bestparentinglife. Falsely believing that every other parent has got it all together and loves their lives can make us feel incompetent and alone. Feeling the actual or perceived judgements of strangers, friends and family regarding your abilities and choices as a parent. Pressure for your body to ‘bounce back’ after being pregnant and giving birth. Possibly feeling socially isolated at home on your own with your baby. Old friendships may change (especially if your friend doesn’t have a baby). Finding yourself having to make new ‘mum’ friends as an adult which can be daunting. We can experience motherhood guilt… for everything. For example, when we haven’t felt a close connection to our baby straight away. Pressure to keep the baby’s needs met and also attempting to keep on top of household duties. Grief and loss regarding the pre-baby person we used to be, living the pre-baby life we used to live. Trying to make sense of who we are now as a parent, and what has happened to all of the other facets of ourselves: successful and confident worker, wife, daughter, sister, friend and so on. We can also be surprised by the reflections we find ourselves making about our own mothers or caregivers, childhoods and experience of being parented. Relationship with partner and co-parent: (if you are not a single parent – which has its own specific challenges) Navigating the change in your relationship from being a couple (just the 2 of us) to being parents (now 3+ of us). Stressors can arise when each person has a different parenting style based on discrepant values and beliefs. Challenges can emerge if either party’s in-laws are deemed as unsupportive. The primary caregiver can become unknowingly territorial regarding the care of the baby (because of their 24/7 skill development!) and find it difficult to sit back and let the other parent care for their baby in a ‘different way’ versus the ‘wrong way’. The non-primary caregiver can feel excluded by the skill development and relationship developing between their partner and their baby. Pressure to become physically intimate after birth can cause stress between partners. Lack of understanding for the unique pressures on each parent after having a baby. 
For example:– One parent may feel the burden more keenly of being the main bread winner for the family, while the stay at home parent may feel vulnerable with their limited capacity to financially contribute to the family.– The stay at

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Understanding Milestones Ages 0-5

As our little ones develop, they have rapid periods of growth at different ages where key skills are established. Your child’s early childhood years are critical to their growth and development and set them up with good foundation skills to support them in their friendships, learning, communication, problem solving, physical abilities and emotional wellbeing. One key area of development is communication. Here are a few critical skills that you will see: Birth-12 months:– Understands around 10 words, responds to their name, recognises familiar people and objects– Start babbling around 6 months, and learn a few words, copy sounds and noises (e.g. animal sounds)– Enjoys early turn taking games (peek-a-boo), smiles and squeals in response to others 1-2 years:– Will follow simple commands (e.g. put it in the bin), understands up to 50 words, and shows interest in playing and interacting with others– Closer to 2 years, children will point to many body parts and pictured items that are named, follow instructions with 2 parts, and use toys for their purpose (e.g. brush doll’s hair)– Will say at least 50 words as they approach 2yrs and begin 2-word combinations 2-3 years:– Children understand more questions by now (“what” “where” “who”)– Developing knowledge of basic adjectives such as colour and size, and can identify objects that go together.– Noticing feelings in others and themselves– Sentences are up to 5 words long, and a variety of words are used (action, naming, location, describing words)You should be hearing established sounds such as m, n, b, p, h, k, g, w, t, d, and newer ones such as s, f, ng in their words 3-4 years:– Understands most ‘wh’ questions (what, who, where, when), can answer most questions about their day, and will share, take turns and play cooperatively– Uses joining words, asks lots of questions, uses pronouns (e.g. he/she, me/you) and negatives (e.g.‘don’t/can’t)– Some sounds are a little difficult still including s, sh, ch, j, th, z, l, r 4-5 years:– Can follow 3 part instructions (e.g. get your hat, take an apple, wait at the door), and can understand them while doing another task– Starts to recognise some letters, sounds, numbers– Sentences are formed well, stories are simple but have a beginning, middle and end, and most speech sounds are accurate– Plays cooperatively with their peers, and uses imaginary play Red Flags:– Early signs that may indicate that it’s worth looking into support and guidance from a friendly speech pathologist include:*Children are not achieving their milestones*None or limited facial expression, interaction, sharing enjoyment, eye contact from 9 months onwards*Prefers to line toys up or throw/bang toys rather than playing with them how they are intended to be played with (from 2 years)*No clear words by 18months, and not putting words together at 2 years*Speech is difficult to understand at 3 and 4 years*Poor interaction/unwillingness to interact with others*Lack of response to sounds and visual information **There may be times that you are not quite sure how your child is tracking, it is always helpful to seek advice and support if ever you are unsure. The SPOT Speech Language Pathologistsare always happy to discuss your concerns and answer questions, feel free to contact us today! Bio: Lauren Jones Originally from the USA, Lauren initially found her passion for working with children while spending holidays working at one of American’s premier summer camps. Lauren completed her studies in the USA before moving to South Australia with her partner. In 2018, Lauren and fellow SLP Director Eilis Melino opened the doors to SPOT Paediatrics with the aim of bringing a holistic therapy approach to families in the greater Adelaide area. “We offer speech therapy, occupational therapy, and social programs for children of all ages. We are excited to be bringing two more team members on this year, and we will be moving to a larger facility come July in order to better serve our families!” Sources: Adapted from Speech Pathology Australia and The American Speech Language and Hearing Association Developmental Milestones SPOT Paediatrics 

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Wild Imagination: More Green Time Less Screen Time

If you’ve ever been to a Wild Imagination event you’ll know that you will find all kids of nature play activities specifically designed to let any kiddo’s mind run wild and free. Wild Imagination is a wonderful alternative to vacation care in the school holidays where little ones laugh, splash, crawl and climb through mud play, nature crafts, potion making and cubby building. All of the activities utilise ingredients from the natural world around us such as flowers, sticks, herbs, spices, leaves, wood and anything Brooke Davis can come up with. Brooke is the imagination behind it all who believes that kids need more green time and less screen time. To help this idea come alive she has recently launched a crowd funding campaign for her nature play activity book for kids ‘Your Wild Imagination’. From 3+ years old the book is for anyone big or small who wishes to be inspired. It includes over 20 nature play activities that can be transformed by your own unique creativity. We spoke to Brooke Davis about her new book and what inspires her: What inspires you? I am constantly in awe of the inquisitive disposition of children and their innate connection to nature. My two cheeky and adventurous children show me every day how to be playful (although some days I wish they would play more like superb fairy wrens and less like baboons!) I am fortunate enough to live in the Adelaide Hills with a beautiful garden, which is where the images for the book were photographed. The ever-changing trees and diverse bird life provide me with so much joy and it urges me to encourage others to spend time in nature. Have you always wanted to do a printed book? Writing a book was actually something that came to me in a dream early last year – yes, I know that sounds a bit woo woo! The dream was so vivid that when I woke up I decided that ‘sometime’ in my future I would write a book. Initially I thought it would be a decade in the making, but in November last year I went on a magnificent trek in Nepal and while technology-free (as well as husband- and kid-free!) for 12 days I found myself drawn to writing and planning the book. I hope this adventure leads to many more books because I have planned them all in that travel journal! What was your first nature play memory? I spent my early childhood living in Darwin and I remember being outside pretty much all the time. My sister and I would bring our dolls outside and make cubbies for them, and play imaginative games while climbing trees. I remember listening to the deafening sound of the cicadas and collecting their skins – it was like a mini treasure hunt finding them all over the backyard. I would follow the green ant trails to their intricately weaved nest and eat their tasty bottoms whilst trying not to get bitten. What has been the most exciting thing about the crowd funding journey?  Planning and photographing the book was a lot of fun! But it has been seeing the reaction of those who have only just discovered Wild Imagination become so passionate about the book. I have loved seeing people from all over the world pledge to buy the book; it gives me hope that the next generation of leaders will have a strong connection to nature and will work to protect the environment. Playing in and with nature is the first step to developing an environmental conscience, because we won’t care for something if we don’t connect with it. What’s next for Wild Imagination? Short term, we’ve got some events with partners lined up for the coming months and the October school holiday program is in the planning stages. We’ll launch the book in October and will be working hard to get it into book shops and gift shops. Longer term, I plan to create more nature play books with different activities for various age groups and interests – including for tweens/teens and adults. The many benefits of nature play are well documented. And the importance of nature connection cannot be understated. The question I always come back to which drives me forward is: How are our children going to care about the environment if they spend a decreasing amount of time connecting to nature? We need all the nature warriors and change makers we can get to protect this one beautiful planet we share, and I’m grateful that the way I have chosen to spread the joy of nature is embraced by so many people. For more information on school holiday programs or to support Brook’s Crowd Funding Campaign visit: @wildimaginationnatureplay Photography by @sweet_little_light 

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Reflections from a Neuroscience Mumma

by Dr Lyndsey Collins-Praino, Senior Lecturer, Adelaide Medical School, University of AdelaideEducate Reflections from a Neuroscience Mumma As my son enters toddlerhood, talking seems to be all I talk about these days. Watching him discover how to describe the world around him, and his excitement at being able to interact and be understood in entirely new ways, has been amazing. But for me, like for many other parents, it has also been a source of some anxiety. Is everything on track? Is he saying as many words as he should? Is the fact that my Italian partner and I are raising him bilingual going to slow down his language acquisition? My fears were sent into overdrive a few months ago, when we brought him to see an ENT for an unrelated problem. Much to my surprise, she barely spoke about the issue we were there for, instead suggesting that we consider inserting grommets. Now I know that such a procedure is routine and very safe, but, like any parent, I felt my heart immediately contract at the idea of putting my little bubba through surgery. I was also a bit taken aback, as my son had no history of ear infections or other risk factors that usually lead to such a recommendation. When I asked her why she was suggesting this, she vaguely mentioned that his speech might be a bit delayed and began to use a model to describe the structure of the ear. Smiling inside, since, as a lecturer of anatomy, I use that model nearly every day to teach the same to future ENTs (sometimes you need to know your audience), I tuned out her lesson and began to wonder, was it true? Was my son’s speech delayed? Everything seemed on track. He was readily able to understand many of the things we said to him (now, as we get closer to the “terrible twos,” whether he listens or not is an entirely different matter; today’s request that he brush his teeth led to a meltdown that 2007 Britney Spears would be proud of). He was also able to say multiple words, pulling from both English and Italian. But how did I know if I was right? Was this ENT predatory or were her fears founded? Part of what makes it so difficult to tell is that there is a large variability between children in terms of language development. At its heart, language is built up of “building blocks” of meaningless sounds called phonemes. We learn how to combine these phonemes into words and, eventually, sentences, according to rules of grammar (rules for using language) and syntax (how to order language components in a meaningful way). Yet the exact time frame at which this occurs can vary between individuals, due to a complex combination of biological and environmental factors that we are just beginning to understand. There is also a large discrepancy between expression and comprehension, with the capacity of children to understand language far surpassing their ability to produce it. While the average child produces fewer than 10 words by 12 months, they understand close to 40. Between 18 and 30 months, rapid language development occurs for most children, significantly increasing not only their vocabulary size, but also the way they combine words to make sentences and use language to communicate. By the age of 3, children will have close to 1000 words and, amazingly, by the age of 6, children have acquired nearly 3,000 words and can understand approximately 20,000! Children also increase the number of words they use per sentence, increasing from around 3 words at age 2 to 5 words by age 8. But how do these language changes mirror what is happening in the brain? Neuroscientists know a great deal about language areas of the brain. What we are still learning about, however, is how these brain regions develop and mature. Even as newborns, babies show a preference for sounds in the range of language frequencies, indicating a predisposition to learn language. However, it isn’t until later childhood or even early adulthood that the language areas of the brain show the same organisation seen in adulthood. Experience likely plays a key role in the maturation of language areas of the brain. We know that exposure to language from birth is critical for the development of ability to understand and produce language. When you kiss those adorable little toes and “baby talk” to your bubba, you are emphasising important distinctions between sounds. Interestingly, while very young infants can perceive and discriminate between phonemes in all languages, by 6 months of age, infants begin to show preference for the phonemes of their native language. By 12 months of age, they no longer respond to foreign phonemes. This suggests that there is a critical period during which exposure to language must occur for us to acquire it normally. So what can we do to maximise language development? Quite simply- keep talking! Even before your little one can answer back, actively engage in conversation, leaving pauses where they will someday answer, to model the rhythm of speech. Spend lots of time snuggling up and sharing books together, pointing to the photos as you read the words. Go for long walks and describe what you see. As your child becomes older, encourage them to describe to you what they are seeing or feeling. Provide as many language-rich experiences as possible- and try to avoid the temptation of allowing a screen to sub in for you, as the reciprocity that comes from you engaging in conversation together is key for language development. Keep chatting and you’re sure to give ‘em something to talk about! Tips for Parents: 1. Keep talking!: Even before your baby can answer back, have a conversation and leave brief pauses where they will someday answer back. This helps to teach them the rhythm of language.2. Narrate the day: Go for a walk and describe what you see around you. When making dinner or giving your

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Get Amped because Winter Applications are Now Open for Girls Rock Adelaide!

They say that music is the language of the soul and answer to all your problems! We think that is reason enough to get involved in Girls Rock Adelaide! Girls Rock Adelaide uses the medium of music to inspire confidence, encourage creativity, celebrate individuality and ensure opportunity for young people in a non-judgemental space They run week-long mentorship programs for female, trans and gender non-conforming youth between the ages of 10 and 17. No music experience necessary and instruments provided! Girls Rock! Adelaide is a not-for-profit youth organisation that takes inspiration from a network of incredible initiatives across Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Aotearoa and around the world. They believe the fun, creative and healing presence of music is essential in the lives of young people and that a more inclusive music industry benefits us all. Girls Rock Adelaide works to: create space for young people to engage and contribute in local music communities  empower female and gender diverse youth in music amplify voices that might otherwise go unheard. School holiday camps: Their music camps run over the space of a week (Monday – Friday). Campers form a band for the week, learn an instrument, participate in creative workshops, see live bands, and collaborate to produce an original song. At the end of the week campers experience what it’s like to perform live to an audience at the Girls Rock showcase. Their first camp will be held 15-20th July 2019. Apply now for the first ever Girls Rock! Adelaide program! Applications close end of June:

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Find ‘The Stories Behind The Books’ at the New Phil Cummings Exhibition at the State Library

Phil Cummings is Coming to the State Library! Whether your childhood was 5 minutes, 5 years or 50 years ago Phil Cummings: Stories behind the books exhibition will enchant all!Phil Cummings is an award winning South Australian author of over eighty books for children (from picture books to novels) in a career that has spanned thirty years. This FREE and INTERACTIVE exhibition (yes, emphasis on the free and interactive wahoo) was co-designed with children from Peterborough Primary School and will allow kids to explore and for adults to be kids. The characters and worlds that Phil created in his books will be brought to life in the exhibition space, including:– A country chook shed reading space to feel at home in Phil’s books– A recreation of the younger Phil’s lounge room as he watched the history-making Moon landing in 1969.Interactive elements include:– Giant light-box sand table to encourage dynamic storytelling in a highly tactile medium, and to spark reflection on Indigenous stories and methods of transmitting them.-A ‘writing ideas’ table, with plenty of scrap paper and writing prompts to capture the essence of creativity and perhaps even begin your own bestseller.– Inspired by Phil’s fable Boy (about a little boy who faces a dragon and stops a war) visitors can face their own ‘dragon’ and sculpt a dinosaur, dragon, monster or even their greatest fear from clay, then display it, take it home or conquer it as they want. This activity is about finding power within to be your own hero! Presented by the State Library of South Australia as part of the DreamBIG Children’s Festival discover the wonder of childhood and inspire your own kiddos creativity, through Phil Cummings work. Fast Five With Phil Cummings What is your earliest memory of reading?The earliest memory I have is sitting with my Nanna and she was reading poems from When We Were Very Young by A.A Milne.  I remember trying to read them myself and struggling. I also remember reading my first reader when I started school. What age did you write your first novel?My first novel, Angel, was published by Random House in 1998. Up until then I had been writing picture books and junior fiction; mainly for educational publishers. What advice would you give aspiring junior authors?Writers learn to write by writing and reading; the more you do, the better you will become. It is also important to try many different things and to challenge yourself. Which author had the biggest influence on you?It wasn’t any one author, but the books that had a real impact on me when I was young were The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. What inspires you today?I search for stories everywhere, I observe the world and see if any passing moments can somehow find their way into my stories. I love finding new characters and settings and seeing where I can fit them into my writing. Phil Cummings: Stories behind the books18 April to 21 July 2019State Library of South AustraliaFREE entryOpen during Library hoursFor more information about the exhibition

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