
Have you been to the Adelaide Drive-In?

Mainline Drive-In at Gepps Cross: there really couldn’t be a better time to visit the drive-in. What with social and physical distancing guidelines and observing government suggestions about the safety of indoor and outdoor activities, the drive-in is where it’s AT.

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KIDDO BOOK CLUB: Best August New Release Books

KIDDO picks August new release books: We understand sometimes the most you get to read when you’re a parent is the instructions on the back of a box of chicken nuggets (why is it so hard to remember what temperature to cook them at and for how long??). But when we do get those hallowed moments to sit down with a book, it better be a page turner. That’s why in KIDDO Book Club we do all the hard work for you, by putting together our top picks of the new release books each month; for the adults… and for the kids!

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The Speed Cubers: more than just a documentary about solving a Rubik’s Cube

Netflix has just premiered the quirky documentary, The Speed Cubers, one of those hidden gems the popular streaming service offers from time to time. If you think The Speed Cubers is just a documentary about a bunch of brainiacs competing in a colourful, hands-on, pseudo Mathletics championship and filming it for YouTube, you’ll be surprised by what you actually get, which is more of story about friendship, rivalry and finding one’s place.

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13 ideas to reduce constant sibling fighting

Whether it’s fighting over the TV remote, or who is using what colour texta, or bigger issues like power dynamics between older and younger siblings, sibling rivalry affects all of us at one point or another in our lives, and as parents it can drive us crazy when all our kids seem to do is fight. We asked Developing Minds to talk us through some ideas on how to encourage our kids to get along and what to do and say when we need to intervene.

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Bowerbird Design Market is BACK!

Bowerbird Design Market, our favourite hub of local and interstate talent and design, will return for one weekend in November bigger and better than ever, including some incredible brands with kids in mind.

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Your Wild Child available for Pre Order

Author of ‘Your Wild Imagination’, Brooke Davis, has announced a follow up book to the nature play activity book released in 2019, entitled ‘Your Wild Child’. Pre orders are available now, and you’ll be able to secure the book up to 20% off, as well as a few extra special bonuses for ordering early.

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What is Separation Anxiety and how can we help?

Separation anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder in children with approximately 4-5% of children ‘meeting the criteria’ for a separation anxiety disorder. We asked Developing Minds to talk us through possible causes and how to help children who feel anxious when apart from their parents or care givers.

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13 things nobody told me about having twins

Soon after being delivered the news that I was expecting fraternal twins I set about launching an FBI scale investigation on multiple births in an attempt to prepare myself for what was to come. I read books, I joined facebook groups, I ferreted out other multiple mums and questioned them mercilessly. I became close personal friends with google on everything I could possibly think of that might be vaguely related to the topic of twins and what life was going to be like with not one baby, but two. But as much as my Type-A personality didn’t want to believe it, there are just some things you can’t prepare for. And there were just some things no one told me to expect.

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Woodhouse Activity Centre Review: Day, Play or Stay!

Have you heard of Woodhouse Activity Centre? Chances are, if you haven’t, you and your kids are missing one heck of an outdoor adventure! We stayed for a weekend and got stuck into all the activities Woodhouse has to offer, and we’ve got everything you need to know!

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