

South Australia leads the world in a targeted resource –  Family, nature and COVID-19 In an Australian first, South Australian, not for profit organisation, Nature Play SA has today launched a free, online guide to support families across the country and the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature, Family and COVID-19, is a guide for families everywhere. This beautifully presented 85-page, e-book offers credible information, strategies, and practical ideas to help children, families and communities adapt to social distancing and self-isolation measures. Executive Director, Community and Family Services at Department for Human Services, Ann-Marie Hayes said:  “Bottomline, there is no other guide like this and we encourage everyone one to check it out and whether you do two or 20 of the activities, rest assured you’ll love them and you’ll be doing something proactive for your family’s mind and body.” There is a strong focus on nurturing the mental health and wellbeing of families, including providing accessible, nature-based methods that can be practiced at home or in the local neighbourhood. Family, Nature and COVID-19 has been developed by Nature Play SA with funding support from the South Australian Government, through the Department of Human Services. Nature Play CEO, Sarah Sutter said: “Whether you are social distancing or self-isolating there are over 200 practical ideas and tips throughout that can help fill the days with lots of fun. “We believe a key objective for this guide and Nature Play SA is to raise awareness of how nature connection can support health and wellbeing during social distancing and self-isolation.” Families and the community are increasingly looking at ways to develop strong mental health and nurture wellbeing. The guide lists many nature-inspired methods that can form part of an integrated approach to strengthening your mental health and wellbeing. Executive Director, Community and Family Services at Department for Human Services, Ann-Marie Hayes said:  “Autumn is a season of change. Perhaps, we are undergoing no greater change than now, as our global community navigates Coronavirus.” The guide is divided into two sections. The first is titled, Nurturing your mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19 and the second is titled Practical ideas and inspiration to do as a family during COVID-19. Ms Sutter said: “Section one is basically a one-stop-shop, it brings together all the information Nature Play SA has collected from both our own references but also from like-minded organisations across the State.  “It is everything in one practical guide at your fingertips and if you need more information, then we have listed the various organisation’s details and websites.” Some of the key themes include: ‘Turn to nature’, ‘Keep active’ and ‘Eat healthy’. All of which have five practical tips for engaging activities that focus on nature as a conduit to improving overall wellbeing and mental health. The second section is a collation of four years of research and development by Nature Play SA. It brings a collection of nature-based activities into one comprehensive guide.  This section includes expert tips and practical activities from our Nature Play SA gurus, including Nature Play SA ambassador and gardening and environment aficionado, Sophie Thomson. Some family activities include: Provide a message of hope to your community: paint or draw a rainbow to display in your front window; place a teddy in your window for others to spot; or take to your driveway with chalk to draw rainbows and leave messages of hope Start a nature journal – each day after time spent in your yard or outside write, draw or paint something you noticed. See where nature journaling takes you (there is no right or wrong way) Tend to a garden and plant something you can nurture, harvest, eat and cook Go to the Bureau of Meteorology ( website and learn how to read the weather, tides and about indigenous weather knowledge Set up for ball skills or your favourite sporting practice in your yard (get creative with how you could set up your space, like making cricket stumps from what you have at home) The resource can be accessed and downloaded at

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Daddy day-care: new-look flexible work options, thanks to pandemic Words: Dr Ashlee Borgkvist The COVID-19 pandemic is putting flexible work on the table for thousands of fathers as they prove that working from home can be just as viable as working in a traditional office environment. It’s a welcome move for many fathers, who despite wanting to be more involved in caring for their children, continue to face barriers when it comes to arranging flexible work. University of South Australia researcher with the Centre for Workplace Excellence, Dr Ashlee Borgkvist, says the working from home phenomenon is providing significant benefits for dads to play and engage with their families, while also delivering clear evidence for employers that it can work. “In Australia, most dads tend to work full-time, limiting the time they can spend with their families. Now, as so many businesses have shifted to work-from-home scenarios, the current norm is changing, with everyone – children, families and workplaces – realising the benefits,” Dr Borgkvist says. “Until now, most Australian fathers have not used flexible or part-time work arrangements, despite these options being available to them through their employer. “The reasons why are multifaceted, often linked to men’s perceptions of the ideal worker, workplace cultures, and long-held constructions of masculinity. “But ideas of what comprises an ideal worker or good workplace culture will inevitably be challenged because of COVID-19, as all tiers of workers – managers and executives alike – embrace social isolation measures. “It’s now that fathers will be able to show how working from home can be as productive, if not more so, than working in an office. And in turn, boost their confidence that working at home is an acceptable and possible workplace construct.” While family employment patterns have shifted over the past 40 years, from models of the ‘breadwinning’ father and the stay-at-home mother, the shift has seen an increase in mothers’ employment (generally part-time) while remaining the primary caregiver, but little change in fathers’ employment. Gender imbalances occur in working hours and working arrangements, with fathers of children under 12 years of age working an average of 40-46 hours a week, in comparison to mothers who work around 28 hours a week. Similarly, most fathers are in full-time work, with less than a third taking advantage of any flexible work arrangements, and fewer than 10 per cent on part-time work arrangements. “Broader societal ideas that mothers should be responsible for caregiving in families, continue to seep into the organisational context and can influence cultural support for men’s use of flexibility, as well as how policies are discussed, offered, and implemented by supervisors and the organisation as a whole,” Dr Borgkvist says. “In my research, many fathers said that they weren’t sure of workplace policies or options and entitlements for r flexible work, in their workplaces, so there’s certainly a need for transparency within organisations because this can be a real barrier to requesting flexible work in the first place. “Concerningly, we’ve also seen very little movement among Australian fathers to work more flexibly, with statistics showing barely any growth over the past 10 years. “As a society, we need to change this. Not only because it will help balance work and family responsibilities, but it will also enable men and women to contribute more equally. “As research has shown time and time again, a good work-life balance delivers a more productive and efficient workforce. “We need to see more organisations model and support flexible working arrangements for dads which will help build a positive and supportive culture for men who might want to use flexibility. We need open communications and transparent workplace policies about flexible work for all; and we need dads to step up and challenge organisational and societal norms. “COVID-19 might have been the catalyst for forced workplace flexibility, but the lessons we take from this unprecedented time could be extraordinarily positive.” Information provided by UniSA Dr Ashlee Borgkvist’s work on fathers and flexibility is based on her doctoral research undertaken at the University of Adelaide and published here 

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AFL Max, Australia’s first football skills and family entertainment venue, is well versed in hosting kid’s birthday parties. However, the temporary closure of the venue has forced many kids and families to postpone their celebrations. Like many businesses, AFL Max has been working on creative ways to adapt their services, by taking them online. Forced to think differently, AFL Max has developed and is set to launch Virtual Birthday Parties. AFL Max Virtual Parties will enable kids to connect with their friends online and enjoy their birthday party from the safety of their own home. Kids can even invite AFL Players to their birthday party. The 100% online party platform connects the party guests online, with a dedicated AFL Max party host in each party. With their host, the kids will be guided through a range of activities, combining physical and mental challenges, games and quizzes. AFL Players can also be invited to join the party for a Q+A session, sing Happy Birthday with the group – or send through a personalized video message for the birthday child. James Podsiadly, Managing Director of AFL Max said, “We believe no kid should have to miss out on their birthday party, no matter the environment.” The Ex-AFL Player’s vision, when creating AFL Max, was to build a safe and interactive venue where all people feel welcome, which is what he hopes the Virtual Parties will continue to offer AFL Max fans, while the venue is closed. “We want kids to still be kids! We want to help them stay connected with one another and celebrate their birthdays together! “We also want to give them their footy fix, which is why we’re excited to offer the opportunity for kids to invite AFL Players to their parties.” he said. The Virtual Parties also aim to give parents a break, while the kids enjoy time online with their friends, facilitated by an experienced AFL Max party host, “We’re excited to give both kids and parents something to look forward to, given the unprecedented amounts of time being spent at home, together!” he said. The Virtual Parties will be open for booking from Thursday, April 9, with the first weekend of parties set to commence on Saturday April 18. Parties will be hosted Thursday – Sunday each week. Bookings can be made at:

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In times like these it’s important to stay informed, but somewhere between obsessively refreshing your news updates and realising the doom and gloom is fear-mongering it can become unproductive. Sometimes staying positive is as important!! So here are a couple of Insta’s to put a smile on your dial! Feel free to DM us with more suggestions. We are all in this together 🙂  @Yourzenmama Admins @teresapalmer and @swrightolsen make a space for mamas, papas + caregivers to feel empowered, inspired, accepted + supported. @bodyimagemovement Positive body image inspiration from Taryn Brumfitt: 2019 Australian Year Finalist, Embrace Film Director, best selling Author, International Speaker and lover of people. @the_happy_broadcast Anxiety-free news! A counter hate & fear project that features illustrated positive thoughts & news from around the world @upworthy Delivering you the best of humanity and good deeds @sh*tyoushouldcareabout A constructive approach to news you should care about @robineleyartist The Australian artist live-streaming a quarantine oil painting workshop to help you get creative!  

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Goldie + Ace have compiled a list of things to do with the kids to pass the time at home whilst we’re social distancing. Let’s stay calm and embrace the family time!  1. Get Crafting Hand in Hand Activity Kits We’ve been using these kits with our kids for a while and they’re amazing! With step by step instructions, you’ll be feeling like the craft expert parent you always wanted to be. Recycling Project Book (Available on Goldie + Ace site) Filled with fun craft ideas using everyday household items. @Mer_mag instagram A gorgeous Instagram page full of aesthetically pleasing crafting ideas. Supplies Spotlight Craft & Hobbies Range 2. Build a cubby house! Pull out the blankets and torches! Create a cute homemade cubby. Or! if you want something more ready-made, check out these Bodey colour-in cardboard houses, for hours of fun! 3. Baking Simple, easy, and fun! Plus, who doesn’t love Honey Joys!? Here’s Nana Betty’s recipe 4. Movie time! Pop some popcorn (old school in the saucepan of course!) and snuggle up in front of the T.V for some serious flash backs to our childhood favourites. Our top 6 nostalgic faves 1. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 2. The Goonies 3. Back to the Future 4. Flight of the Navigator 5. Home Alone 6. E.T 5. Dance off! Turn up the tunes and dance like no one is watching to these beats.. Our Top 10 dance-off hits! Party in the U.S.A — Miley Cyrus Mickey — Toni Basil Brave — Sara Bareilles Pompeii — Glee cast Havana — Camila Cabello Can’t Stop the Feeling — Justin Timberlake Happy — Pharrell Williams Roar — Katy Perry Shake It Out — Florence + The Machine Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard — Paul Simon 6. Games Pass the time with these favourites for all ages! Hungry Hungry Hippos UNO Memory Game Twister The Game of Life Connect Four Free Games! No boards, mats, or tokens needed. Minty Minute! All players put their head down and close their eyes (except the judge) and counts out 60 seconds. As soon as each player thinks 1 minute is up they raise their hand. The judge/timekeeper awards a Minty to the most accurate time. (Warning..may only kill a few minutes). Hide + Seek. A tried and trusted favourite. ” What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? “ One child is chosen to be Mr Wolf, who then stands at one end of the playing area. The other players stand in a line at the other end. Mr. Wolf turns his back to commence play. The players call out, “What’s the time Mr. Wolf?” and Mr. Wolf turns and answers with a time (i.e. 3 o’clock). He then turns his back again while the children advance again chanting “What’s the time Mr. Wolf?” To which Mr. Wolf will continue to respond until the players come very close. Once the line of players is close to Mr. Wolf, he can respond to the chant with “It’s dinner time!” at which point, he will chase the players back to the starting line with the aim to catch one of them, who will then become Mr. Wolf for the next round of the game. 7. Brighten someone’s day Whether it be an elderly neighbour or simply a friend who lives alone, let them know you are thinking of them by leaving something on their doorstep. Maybe a craft project, some baked goods or simply a few rolls of toilet paper. Teach your kids that kindness is important in times like these. CHECK OUT THE NEW GOLDIE + ACE COLLECTION HERE 

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SELF-ISOLATION DIY WITH MINI MAD THINGS : RAINBOW COLLAGE Everybody loves rainbows! This craft activity is a winner every time and fantastic for younger children age 2 years and older. The inspiration for this project came from the amazing ART BAR BLOG, we urge you to go and check out Barbara’s website for the most amazing kids craft activity ideas. Rainbow collages are a great activity to encourage colour recognition with little ones and to talk about the science behind rainbows with older children. You can either prepare the collage materials before hand or you can get your children involved in cutting up the scraps of paper, which is fantastic cutting practice and great for developing fine motor skills. We always save scraps of paper, card, fabric and old paintings to use for collage, there is something I find very satisfying about sorting items into colour groups! MATERIALS: Cardboard Glue Scissors Items to collage like coloured paper, fabric scraps, pom poms, match sticks and old paintings HOW TO: Begin by cutting out rainbow shapes in cardboard for the base of your collage. Sort all your collage materials into colour groups and then begin gluing. For younger children you can draw the rainbow sections onto the cardboard to give them a guideline for where to glue. MINI MAD THINGS want to SHARE in your fun, share your crafty creations inspired by our MINI MAD CRAFT projects on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK by tagging your posts #MYMINIMADCRAFT FOLLOW Mini Mad Things on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for daily craft inspiration and dress up fun!

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1 Collect coloured autumn leaves and thread them on a string to make a necklace, garland or decoration 2 Visit a pine forest and look for weird and wonderful fungi as it grows on old stumps, trees and from the ground  3 Go for a neighbourhood walk in the soft autumn rain. Take in the smells, and examine what lichen and moss have come to life on tree trunks  4 Wander through a Botanic Garden and take time to learn about the plants or ask questions about their size, age, or where they may have come from  5 Learn who your local Aboriginal group is and what plants, traditions or places are special in autumn  6 Head to a National Park or caravan park and spend a few days camping – toast marshmallows, make damper and share stories around a campfire (check local fire ban 21 guidelines) 7 Autumn is the perfect time to start a nature journal – sketch or paint fallen leaves, fungi or other autumn finds  8 Find a place to sit in the warm autumn sunshine and read poetry, a storybook or write something of your own  9 Visit your local orchard and pick seasonal fruit such as apples and figs 10 Choose a new hike in a National Park that you’ve never visited 11 Head to the coast and watch the waves crash or, if it’s calm, search the shoreline for washed up treasure 12 Go on a backyard creature hunt – peek under rocks and logs for slaters, earwigs and millipedes. Examine leaves and other plants for native bees, caterpillars and ants 13 Make a ‘campsite’ in your backyard with a cubby (try and make it waterproof) and pretend campfire 14 Start a nature collection of rocks, feathers, leaves and other unique things (store them in a box, tray, container or on a nature table) 15 Prepare a veggie patch ready to plant seeds/seedlings such as spinach, lettuce, beetroot, and carrots 16 Spend a sunny autumn afternoon painting or drawing outside – think of what makes autumn different from the other seasons 17 Experiment with textures – crush autumn leaves and herbs, mix mud, break up bark and pick backyard flowers – create something beautiful 18 Create a living tepee using sticks or bamboo fastened together and plant a native or edible climber such as peas or beans 19 With gloves, spend a morning picking up rubbish along your local beach or park (avoid anything sharp) 20 Find a place with trees that you can wander through, climb and search for signs of life such as tree hollows and scratches from koalas or possums 21 Venture to trails that meander along coastal cliffs, take in the views, breathe the wild air and fill your lungs with the salty smell of the ocean 22 With friends explore a creek for signs of tadpoles, yabbies or float leaves or sticks downstream 23 Cook together with seasonal produce such as pumpkins, figs, apples and leafy greens 24 After the rain has fallen head to a local waterfall and notice the changes that are happening 25 Go on a walk in your backyard, neighbourhood or National Park and photograph anything that interests you. Use the photos to make a collage or print to put into a nature journal Head to for free resources that will help you learn and engage with nature.

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The Get Changed campaign event is grounded in supporting those in need, while showcasing how fashion and fundraising can work together. join the MUMKIND community for a night of meaningful fashion, fun and celebration. MumKIND is a local charity aiming to do small things with great love to demonstrate care and compassion to mothers with young families across South Australia, who desperately need support. Last year the SA Pantry campaign delivered over 1,000 packages of non-perishable food items to families facing food insecurity MumKIND have recently launched their Get Changed campaign, focused on collecting donations of great quality pre-loved clothing to support those most vulnerable in our state; while also aligning with the sustainability focus our world needs more awareness on. Click here to find out more information on the Get Changed campaign and where you can donate a fabulous outfit you have not worn recently. Celebrating at the conclusion of the Get Changed campaign, is a special event at Burnside Village. The highlight of this event will be a fashion parade, featuring items collected through the campaign and showcasing the second life that donated clothing items can have. You will also hear from Kerry Reade & Amelia Mulcahy on how this campaign is making a difference across South Australia. You’ll be able to ‘shop the rack’ on the night, and purchase raffle tickets to go into the draw to win some fantastic prizes. WHEN: Friday, April 3, 2020 6:30pm – 8:30pm WHERE: Burnside Village Fashion Mall, 447 Portrush Rd, Glenside (Main Entrance off Portrush Road, between Mimco & Village Pharmacy) Tickets: $40 with all proceeds raised going directly to – MumKIND’s | Get Changed campaign. /

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The much-loved St Peters Fair returns to Linde Reserve on Saturday 28 March. Linde Reserve, on Nelson Street, Stepney becomes a hive of activity, with rides, a petting zoo, a nature playground and much more to keep the kids entertained all day. The event will include a line-up of children’s performances, featuring circus acts, as well as award-winning show, Kidding Around with Bethany Fisher, and the much-loved Animals of the Magical Mountain. There will also be market stalls, face painting and henna. Food and snacks will be available onsite from trucks offering a range of delicious food for different tastes. Mayor of the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, Robert Bria, said: “The community looks forward to St Peters Fair each year. It’s a great family day out and an opportunity to enjoy local produce, live music and entertainment.” St Peters Fair takes place on Saturday 28 March from 11am–3pm at Linde Reserve, Nelson Street, Stepney. It is a free, family friendly event. No tickets are necessary.  Entertainment petting zoo amusement rides roving entertainers nature play activities market stalls kids crafts. A relaxed, affordable and fun-filled day for the whole family! Schedule  11.00am – Griffin Show 12.15pm – Bethany Fisher 1.15pm – The Animals of The Magical Mountains 2.00pm – Dancers by Donna For more information, please visit

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Gather your foodie friends, young and old, because all the delectable, delights of Adelaide’s Eastern Suburbs are coming under one roof this April!  If you are a local, you’ll know that there is a deliciously diverse array of cuisines to be found in Adelaide’s east and if you’re not it’s time to discover! The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters has decided to bring them together to celebrate everything the area has to offer!  Featuring a market of authentic produce, fresh ingredients and pantry staples that can be found within the local area, Food Secrets at the Green brings together an eclectic mix of fare and flavours created by food and beverage manufacturers located within the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters. Part of the inaugural Adelaide Food Fringe program, the free event will also feature cooking demonstrations, live music, wine and gin tastings and kids’ cooking classes, run by Scoffed Cooking School. City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Mayor, Robert Bria, said: “We’re lucky to have such a vast selection of high quality food and drink manufacturers in our suburbs. Our Food Secrets bus tours always sell out and this is the perfect way to open them up to more people. It’s an opportunity to purchase locally-made produce and discover some hidden gems that you may not have known were based in our City.” Food Secrets at the Green will be held at Norwood Green on Magill Road, Norwood, which boasts a vibrant sense of community and a love for local. Mayor, Robert Bria, said: “This event is not only an opportunity for those outside our City to see what’s available here, but also endorses a great sense of community—local people buying local produce, helping out local businesses. It’s hard to find fresher ingredients than those made on your doorstep!” Food Secrets at the Green is run by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and takes place on Sunday 5 April 2020 from 10am-3pm at Norwood Green, 100 Magill Road, Norwood. The event is FREE but tickets for the tastings and cooking classes must be booked in advance here . For more information, please visit

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BLUEY’S BIG PLAY COMES TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA! Bluey’s Big Play is touring Australia! And it’s really for real life! Windmill Theatre Co are thrilled to finally let you in on a little secret. Over the past few months they’ve been busily working on the first live stage show from smash hit television series, Bluey, and it’s now on sale! Directed by Windmill’s Rosemary Myers with design by Windmill’s resident designer, Jonathon Oxlade, Bluey’s Big Play will see Australia’s favourite family come to life before your very eyes. Featuring an original story written by Bluey’s creator Joe Brumm and new music created by Brisbane’s Beethoven and Bluey composer, Joff Bush, Bluey’s Big Play promises to be a little bit different and a little bit beautiful. We can’t wait for you to see it. Bluey’s Big Play is embarking on a whirlwind national tour and will burst onto the Her Majesty’s Theatre stage before travelling all over South Australia.  Tickets available 

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Busy Mum Life-Hack Alert We all know the benefits of incorporating fitness into our lives, but is that always enough motivation to juggle your schedules and get you to the gym? Studio Pilates is a state-of-the-art, scientifically-based way of transforming your entire body in the quickest time possible, making it perfect for busy mums and business women. Instructor designed classes also mean you’re saved the mental hassle of designing your own work-out or choosing what machine to go on next. Norwood instructor, and owner, Joanne Thiele tailors forty minute Pilates reformer classes that are fast paced and intense, delivering incredible total body sculpting workouts. Studio Pilates is currently situated in Norwood, Adelaide, Henley and soon-to-be Unley in 2020! We spoke to KIDDO publisher Charlotte and 3 other busy, local mums and business women about the benefits of Pilates: Name: Charlotte Chambers Occupation: Mumma and Publisher @ Kiddo Mag How long have you been doing SP? 2 years-ish How many times do you attend per week? 2 – 3 Why did you start? I have never been someone that has exercised regularly or really enjoyed exercising. I have always liked the thought of reformer Pilates, bouncing around with your feet in straps looked like fun… and it was. I started and haven’t stopped, the workout is fun, fast and incredibly challenging. I do the 6:30am classes which fit perfectly into my hectic life. The trainers are fantastic and welcome everyone of all ages, sizes and abilities. What results have you seen? Well.. I can lift 19 bags of shopping out of the car and into the house without breaking a sweat, wrestle a toddler off the playground with ease, it has also changed my body shape. There is something empowering about building muscle…you don’t realise how much you need it in your daily life. Name: Rebecca Morse Occupation: Newsreader / Radio host How long have you been doing SP? Since the start of 2019 How many times do you attend per week? 2-3. The Hit107 team does a session every Monday morning in the city and I sneak off to the Henley Beach studio every Sunday morning before the kids are up. I try to fit a third in whenever I can. Why did you start? I was worried when I started working in breakfast radio that my exercise routine would go out the window, so when I discovered Studio Pilates was across the road from Hit107 it was the perfect solution. The Henley Beach studio has become part of my weekend routine as well. What results have you seen? My core is stronger and more defined and that horrendous burn in the glutes has been worth it! I think my terrible posture has also improved. Name: Ally Aoukar Occupation: Director of Events & Socials @ Out In The Paddock How long have you been doing SP? I joined SP back in early March and have been doing it for 10 months. How many times do you attend per week? I try and attend 3 – 4 classes a week Why did you start? Since I was 23 I have always done some form of PT or gym routine. After my second baby I found it difficult to fit in a gym workout that gave me the results I wanted without feeling like I needed to punish my body. Turning 40 this year I had a realisation, I wanted to accept, nourish and honour my body. I had done Pilates previously at other studios but never felt it was for me. Trying Studio Pilates was the best thing I ever did. The instructors are welcoming, warm and encouraging. It’s the best way to start my day. It’s a quick workout that also allows you to be mindful of your body and to connect with it. The instructors push me beyond my limits while allowing me to listen to my body by giving it time to rest when it’s also needed. What results have you seen? It’s changed my body in shape, tone, strength and the mental change is for me by far the best thing. I want to continue to nourish my body and engage in activities that strengthen and benefit it for the rest of my life. I don’t want to feel like I have to punish my body to get results. It’s the best fit for me at this stage in my life. Name: Belinda Petersen Occupation: Director of BPPR, a results-driven public relations & strategic communications agency How long have you been doing SP? Since Jo opened the Norwood studio three years ago. I just hit over 300 classes – woohoo! How many times do you attend per week? I aim for 3 times per week. It’s the perfect start to the day – it clears my head ahead of a busy day full of meetings, non-stop emails, and the morning school rush! Why did you start? I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and visited the physio regularly. With two young boys (Jack 12, Hunter 7) and a job that requires a lot of computer work, I found that quite often (monthly!) I would be heading to the physio due to chronic neck and lower back pain. What results have you seen? Since starting Studio Pilates, my visits to the physio have been rare. In general, I am definitely stronger and leaner – there’s still a six pack under there waiting to come out though! As a non-stop mum who owns and runs a busy PR Agency, I find the 40-minute classes are the perfect length too. Studio Pilates Norwood 121B The Parade, Norwood, SA 5067

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NEW COLLECTION – FAMILY TIES/ AW20 GOLDIE + ACE ARE GOING BACK TO THE FUTURE… FOR THE FUTURE As children of the 80’s and 90’s, Goldie + Ace designers Alana Tiller and Chris Kontos know all too well the beauty of a well-loved hand-me-down. A time when many kids clothes were made to last, and designed for fun, when Kerplunk was life and Alf ruled the world. Goldie + Ace’s brand-new collection ‘Family Ties’ takes inspiration from retro fashion, family values, and growing up in Australia. You’ll find the coolest acid washed drop waist jeans (the Mini Mom Jean), soft corduroy overalls ( or dungarees as mum would say, colourful jersey skivvy’s (I mean, who didn’t rock a skivvy in the 80’s?!) and old school parkas (that even have zip-off sleeves). Ever since their launch in 2017, Goldie + Ace’s focus has been centered around creating quality garments that are in-line with their mantra of ‘buy less, wear it more, then pass it on’. Their aim has always been to create a shopping experience that leaves a minimal footprint on the planet. Director/Designer Tiller says, “We live in a time where every purchase should be considered. A time where we all need to take a more responsible and thoughtful approach to the consumption of fashion and our children’s wardrobes.” Their commitment to using only compostable or reusable packaging components (if planted in soil, their e-store thank you cards will actually grow daisies!) is a big step towards a better future. Director / Designer Kontos says, “Now is the time to act and think about the future of our planet. Brands can’t achieve 100% ethical and sustainable practises, but all the little things definitely help the movement.” Goldie + Ace is stocked exclusively in selected boutiques across Australia and internationally. Being wore by celebrity children including Bodhi, Forest and Poet (Children of actors Teresa Palmer & Mark Webber) Billie, Darcy and Tom Judd (Children of AFL royalty Bec and Chris Judd), Zion & Gia Clark (Children of Aussie model Nicole Trunfio & music mogul Gary Clark Jr), Goldie Ellis (Daughter of Lindy Klim. Goldie + Ace Family Ties Winter collection will be released on the 1st of March. \   SEE MORE OF THE COLLECTION:

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Emma. Film Review Written by Kasey Chambers Release Date: 13 February 2020 Rated PG – Mild Themes and Brief Nudity 125 minutes All that is old is new again as adaptations of Dr Doolittle, Little Women and The Secret Garden grace our screens again in 2020. It’s little wonder then that we should find ourselves at an advance screening for Emma., the fifth film adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic tale of the meddling matchmaker, Emma Woodhouse. Autumn de Wilde’s directorial debut is scattered with moments of light-hearted comedy, visual splendour and a swoon-worthy Mr Knightley (played by Johnny Flynn). Anya Taylor-Joy brings Emma’s headstrong haughtiness to light via a nuanced expression that reveals the intricacies of youthful overconfidence and the loneliness, anger and shame that at times lingers beneath the surface. Bill Nighy, Mia Goth and Miranda Hart are a superb supporting cast, balancing moments of brevity and raw humanity with aplomb. Jane Austen may have described Emma Woodhouse as her “heroine whom no one but myself will much like”, however it is hard to not like de Wilde’s playful romp around the English countryside. Whilst this latest retelling is hardly revolutionary (surely, nothing will ever top Clueless for a reinterpretation!) it will make for a lovely night out with friends, or a classic introduction for your kiddo to the world of Jane Austen. Reserve your tickets online at

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WOMADelaide 6 – 9 March WOMADelaide is a four-day festival of Music, Arts and Dance celebrating cultural and creative diversity held since 1992 in Adelaide’s beautiful Botanic Park. The festival has become a truly unique part of the Australian festival landscape, showcasing the best, the essential – and the surprising – in global music, dance, art and ideas. DON’T MISS WOMADelaide KidZone 6 – 9 March Sing! Dance! Play! Tell stories! Find out about stuff! Have adventures – and just maybe be there when the world’s biggest-ever soap bubble happens! From arts and crafts sessions, storytelling with Justine Clarke, explorations of Kaurna culture and amazing museum discoveries, to nature-play and interactive entertainment, KidZone caters for kids 12 and under in a fun, family-friendly – and safe – environment. We bet you’ll have a pretty good time there too! BIG PEOPLE The Cat Empire 6 March Foundation Stage Kate Miller Heidke 6 March Stage 2 Late Nite Tuff Guy 6 March Stage 7 Deline Briscoe 6 & 9 March TBC B.Dance 6 & 9 March Stage 2/Zoo Stage LITTLE PEOPLE Story Time with Justine Clarke 7 & 8 March Kidzone The Talking Trees 6 – 9 March Kidzone Kiddo Silent Disco tours with Guru Dudu 6 – 9 March Kidzone Adelaide City Libraries Book Nook 6 – 9 March Kidzone SA Museum Explorers’ Tent 6 – 9 March Kidzone The Bubble Scientist 8 – 9 March Kidzone WIN We have 2 x Adult Four Day Passes to giveaway! + Kids under 12 are FREE. The lucky winner can bring the whole fam for a long weekend of music, dance, food and KidZone activities! RRP Value $792! TICKETS AND MORE INFORMATION: @womadelaide #WOMADL20

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