KIDDO CHATS: Labour pain management with Specialist Obstetrician Professor Stephen Tong

Epidural. Laughing gas. Morphine. Tens Machine. Acupuncture. Water injection. There's a proverbial smorgasbord of pain management options for pregnant women in the throes of labour, but if you're an expecting parent, how much do you know about each of them? In this episode we welcome Professor Stephen Tong, leading academic Obstetrician  and author of THE BIRTH BOOK to talk about all things pain relief for birth. Stephen takes us through the whole spectrum of options available for women during labour, how and when each method is administered, the pros and cons, effectiveness and associated risks. 

Every woman will have an idea or a plan on what methods they want to use to get through their birth experience… of course this might all fall by the wayside when you’re actually in the delivery suite but it’s important to be informed and know what your options are. Whether you’re aiming for a completely natural birth or want an epidural the moment you step foot in the hospital there’s a whole spectrum of pain relief in between that you probably want to be across so you can go in feeling empowered by understanding the different options available to you.

In this episode we welcome Professor Stephen Tong, leading academic Obstetrician  and author of THE BIRTH BOOK to talk about all things pain relief for birth. Stephen takes us through the whole spectrum of options available for women during labour, how and when each method is administered, the pros and cons, effectiveness and associated risks.

Tong’s practical and expert approach is free of agenda – it has no staunch philosophies on how women should approach their own birth. He simply aims to arm women with insightful information, empowering them for this most special of life events.

Episode features

Guest: Dr Stephen Tong

Host: Liv Williams

For more KIDDO content:


What happens during labour exactly? Will I tear? Are epidurals safe? Why are caesars even needed?

Stephen’s book, The Birth Book covers concepts Prof. Tong believes expectant women and their supportive partners would really like to know well. Such as why caesars and forceps are needed, what inducing labour actually is, how episiotomies and tears are mended among other topics.

Many parents-to-be and their support people have little knowledge of what to expect in the birthing suite. Drawing on his extensive experience as a leading obstetrician and international researcher into safe childbirth, Professor Stephen Tong guides you through vital information to help prepare for a safe and happy birth day.

Simply written and accessible, the pages are packed with information and real-life stories covering:

  • The stages of labour and birth
  • How different forms of pain relief, including epidurals, work
  • Induction of labour and assisted birth
  • Monitoring of the baby and mother
  • Post childbirth recovery

Professor Tong carefully and simply breaks down the evidence and facts to provide you with everything you need to know to turn anxiety and trepidation about childbirth into confidence, empowerment, and cherished, life-long memories. The Birth Book is a warm, wonderful, and reassuring companion for birth.

Listen here

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