If you cast your mind back to having your own baby, you’ll probably be able to look back on this experience as a special time with your family and friends; with support, love and care from those around you and an abundance of supplies to help keep your baby warm, fed and safe. The sad reality is that not all women have this kind of network to rely on. In fact, many women in our state go to give birth without any possessions to their names, let alone a support network when they get home with their precious baby.
That’s where The Village Co. comes in. The Village Co. is a not-for-profit organisation passionate about seeing all South Australian new mothers, regardless of their background or disadvantage, embraced and supported as they begin the life-changing journey of motherhood.
In this episode we talk with Steph, CEO and founder of The Village Co. about her WHY. Why she started The Village Co., WHO they are helping and WHAT these vulnerable new mums are facing…oh, and HOW she does it all!
Episode Features:

Guest: Steph Malan
Host: Liv Williams
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