Turia Pitt’s latest book is the happiness tonic we need in 2020!
Turia Pitt inspired the nation with her story of survival and extraordinary resilience after she was caught in an out of control grass fire while competing in an ultra marathon in 2011.
She suffered burns to 65% of her body, and then went on to, as her website says, ’defy every expectation placed on her.’
Turia’s new book Happy (And Other Ridiculous Aspirations) is out now and the pick-me-up we all need right now. Not only does she sprinkle her own happiness secrets throughout the book, but Turia interviews other incredible experts and specialists who impart their wisdom too. And the best part is, it’s all practical! Easy to implement, baby-step-style bites of knowledge that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.
In this episode we sit down and chat with Turia about her take on happiness.
Episode Features:

Guest: Turia Pitt
Host: Alexis Teasdale (Lex)
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