Welcome to Kiddo Chats
If there was one thing the COVID-19 isolation period afforded many of us, it was time.
A lot of us found ourselves working and socialising face to face less. We weren’t going out much. Working from home. Downloading ZOOM. Avoiding the supermarket (they didn’t have any toilet paper anyway!) and eating out less.
We were seeing our immediate family unit and kids more. Washing our hands more.
A LOT more.
Many of us can probably admit we were also binge-watching Tiger King on Netflix, languishing in a few new corona kilos, whilst haphazardly attempting to simultaneously facilitate home learning with our children, start sourdough cultures and bake banana bread. Lots and lots of banana bread. In fact, if banana bread was a cure for COVID-19 we’d probably all be saying “pandemic? What pandemic?”
While we were looking for ways to keep the Corona iso boredom at bay, many of us were also pivoting our businesses into new ways of working.
Finding new ways to connect
It was during this time, in between batches of banana bread and tearing our hair out over year 3 maths homework, that KIDDO Chats was born.
A KIDDO podcast had been on the back burner for a while, but Coronavirus gave the KIDDO team a moment to stop and really give it the time and love it required.
Like a new baby, it needed attention, love, care, and someone to keep it clean! (Bunch of potty mouths!)
As it turned out, we weren’t the only ones planning on delivering a podcast.
In fact, when we went to invest in the equipment, on hearing we needed a microphone because we were starting a podcast, the customer service guy who was young enough to be our… let’s just say much younger brother shall we?… looked at us with thinly veiled amusement and said “you and everybody else”. Ha!

But what makes KIDDO Chats different from other podcasts?
KIDDO Chats is a fresh, family oriented, local broadcast where we chitchat about all things parenting, kids, Adelaide, and everything in between.
It’s the chat you have with your girlfriends, it’s the expert advice you’ve been looking for on google, it’s the attempt to find the answer to the question WHY IS MY KID DOING THAT???
KIDDO Chats is the 30 minutes you try to find in your day to just sit down with a cup of tea and take a breather. Or, let’s be honest, it’s the 30 minutes you spend racing around like a mad woman trying to get stuff done with your earbuds in. It’s ok, we get it!
Whether that means getting in the experts to talk about baby sleep, fussy eaters, or how to help tweens with their friendship issues; whether that’s chatting with local or national personalities to get to know them better, finding out behind the scenes info on upcoming events, or new release books, you name it, we’ll be onto it.
We’ll be as regular as your period, and as refreshing as a good night’s sleep!
If you have a topic you’d like us to cover on KIDDO Chats, drop us a line hello@kiddomag.com.au; you pick the subject you want to know about, we’ll find the expert!
Meet your hosts
Charlotte Chambers
Publisher and Editor of KIDDO, Mum of 2 boys George and Mack

What did you learn about yourself during COVID?
I learnt to STOP. This is something that my pre COVID life didn’t allow me to do that often. I loved not having anywhere to be; no school, meetings, play dates, catch ups… literally there was nothing but family time and I loved it. The extra family time that we had will be forever etched in our memories.

Best thing about COVID?
- Bonus family time
- Wearing Track Pants all day every day
- Not having anywhere to be
- Every day feeling like a Sunday
- Nature walks
- Baking
Worst thing about COVID?
- Putting on 5 fantastic kilos
- Not being able to go to Pilates
- Rationing toilet paper
- Being isolated from friends and family
- Wearing Track Pants all day every day
Things you binged:
- Podcasts – mamamia mainly
- Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate
- Fish and Chips
- Wine

Liv Williams
Content Manager of KIDDO, Freelance Writer, Blogger @eeniemeeniemineymum, Mum of twins + 1, Henry, Tilly and Rosie

What did you learn about yourself during COVID?
That I’m far more interested in government press conferences than I ever could have imagined. I’ve not ever been a person who’s ever been invested in politics, but I became OBSESSED with state and national press conferences. I wrote NOTES for god’s sake! That’s actually how I started writing the “Corona updates” in the KIDDO community group. I wanted to share the pertinent information for everyone without all the blather, and then it just took a life of its own as I started actually recapping the press conferences and making them fun. Oh and apparently I love graphs now.

Best thing about COVID?
- Nicola Spurrier’s dewy apricot skin
- No club or school sports or kids extracurricular activities
- Grocery shopping less – couldn’t get the things we needed anyway
- No need to waste time hoping other people would cancel plans we’d made, there were no plans to cancel! Huzzah!
Worst thing about COVID?
- Logging so many “worry” hours every day
- Cancelling a special trip to spread my mum’s ashes in Port Douglas
- Gyms being closed
- Trying not to touch my face
- Convincing myself I had COVID 178 times when I didn’t
Things you binged:
- Washing my hands like I was washing Zac Efron
- State and federal press conferences
- Exercise – I bought my own spin bike and signed up to online classes
- Homemade pizza (lucky I was doing all that exercise)

Alexis Teasdale
Founder and creative genius behind The Festive Co, former Editor of Cosmo Bride, Writer, Stylist, Mum of three, Teddy, Gabe and Andie

What did you learn about yourself in COVID?
That I’m even more of a routine lover than I thought, haha. I really love planning out the day and while I enjoy a lazy week as much as the next person, then I start to crave structure again. So I learnt to let go and relax a lot more and not to worry about things that hadn’t happened yet. And when in doubt, fresh air and a slow walk around the block can make the world of difference.

Best thing about COVID?
- Baby Andie having us all around
- My parents finally getting the hang of FaceTime
- No rushing in the morning
- The most family time together we’ve ever had
- Constant reminder of how grateful I am for my family
- The teddy bears in our neighbourhood windows
Worst thing about COVID?
- The unknown
- My parents not seeing our kids
- The endless cleaning
- The juggle of work and remote learning
- Reading the news
- Not being able to see interstate family
Things you binged:
- All of Netflix
- Every true crime podcast
- Shelves of Caramilk
- Pallets of Milo

KIDDO Chats Season 1
(…so far…)
Episode 1: Welcome to Kiddo Chats: Say Hi… To your hosts!
Episode 2: Raising Sensitive Boys with Liv & Madhavi Nawana Parker from Positive Minds Australia
Episode 3: Fussy Eaters with Charlotte & Karina Savage from Smartbite Nutrition
Episode 4: The Fourth Trimester with Alexis & Naomi Chrisoulakis from Cocoon