KIDDO Mag Issue 31 – FASHION AND FAMILY – is out now

Ah, summer. The season of sunshine, sandy car interiors, and the annual reminder that my “summer body” is still on backorder. (Spoiler: it’s never arriving.)

Every year, like clockwork, the siren song of self-improvement starts playing: tone this, flatten that, wear this, but for heaven’s sake, not that. And every year, I get sucked in. Until now. At 42, I’ve decided enough is enough—literally. Enough of the sucking in, the covering up, the mental real estate wasted on worrying if my thighs have overstayed their welcome in a pair of shorts. Because honestly, the only person truly invested in my so-called summer body is me.

My kids couldn’t care less if I have abs or a muffin top; they just want me in the water playing Marco Polo and running relay races on the beach. And isn’t that the point? To be in it —fully present for the splash wars, the sandy sandwiches, the too-slow races to the ice cream truck?

My kids don’t need a role model who’s perfect; they need one who’s there, laughing, living, and eating second helpings of pavlova without apology. Somewhere along the way, we’ve confused the idea of health with this relentless pursuit of perfection. But here’s the thing: no one’s handing out medals for the best beach body at the end of summer.

Meanwhile, we’re over here, tying ourselves in knots trying to “deserve” joy, as if joy is something you have to earn by drinking kale smoothies or doing planks. Not this year. This is the Summer of Letting It All Hang Out. Because, spoiler alert, our kids are watching and they’re taking notes. I’d rather they see me loving the skin I’m in than fighting it.

I want them to know life isn’t about looking like you belong in a magazine (even a fabulous one like ours!); it’s about doing cannonballs like you don’t have a care in the world. So, let’s make this the summer we show up — not as some filtered, flawless version of ourselves, but as the gloriously imperfect humans we are. Because the only body you need for summer is the one you’ve already got—and it’s more than enough. Wishing you the best summer ever and thank you for being part of the KIDDO family!

Read issue 31 here

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