The Art of Parker

Parker Threadgold
Parker Thredgold may only be nine years of age, but she’s an old hand when it comes to painting, having been working the brushes since she was a tender two years old.

And we’re not talking about the type of artwork that sits on the benchtop for a few days before making its way into the recycle bin (sorry kids!); Parker has an eye for colour and a passion for painting, and this pint size entrepreneur has even started selling her work! 

Parker has been one of the youngest stall holders at Artisan Markets, having set up shop at the KIDDO Markets and the Victor Harbor Market, as well as starting up an Instagram account to support online sales. 

Parker Threadgold Art

Parker’s mum, Rhiannon, continues to be amazed by the time and effort Parker puts into her art. 

“I’m amazed by her talent. The fact that it also makes her extremely happy is the icing on the cake. I wanted to nurture her passion and when the opportunity arose for her to have her own stall at the KIDDO market, we thought why not try to sell some of her paintings?” 

The response to Parker’s art was incredible and that’s where it all began and The Art of Parker was born! 

Inspired by nature, Parker focuses on abstract art and sells framed originals that would look at home next to any Kadinsky or Pollock in your hallway gallery. 

Using some of the profits from her painting sales, Parker recently purchased an iPad and Apple Pencil and is excited to dabble in the world of digital art. 

I don’t have a favourite artist at the moment but I enjoy going to the art gallery and seeing all the different paintings. 

We think Parker will probably end up having one or two in the gallery herself one day! 

Parker will be at the Victor Harbor Artisan Market on Sunday the 18 of December.


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