Take another look at your council library

CHAPTER 1: STORYTIME & CRAFT. Rediscovering your council library with your children can open a whole new chapter, for you and your child, and the offerings have never been better for families. We turn the page on what you might be missing at your council library.

Chapter 1: Story time and Craft

Rediscovering the magic

When children enter our lives, we start seeing the world in new ways, we readjust our lens and see life through their eyes, opening doors to places in our minds that may have long since been forgotten.

Learn, read, play, discover

Journeying back to your council library is one of these times for many parents, who, in the nebulous days of early parenting are looking for a change of scenery, a place to connect with other parents, new and different ways to engage their children in learning, reading, playing and discovering.

Rediscovering your council library with your children can open a whole new chapter, for you and your child, and the offerings have never been better for families.

Story time: Bringing words to life and sharing them together

Preschool story time brings the world of books to life for you and your child to enjoy.

With fun, interactive sessions that bring families together to share in the joy of imagination, story time encourages a love of reading in the littlest amongst us and helps provide the opportunity for parents to be our children’s first teachers.

  • Aimed at 2-5 year old’s
  • Most libraries hold story time sessions each week
  • Sessions 30 – 45 minutes
  • Can include stories, rhymes, songs, finger plays and a simple craft activity
  • Younger siblings and friends are invited to attend
  • Cost is FREE and bookings are not usually necessary

For more information about story time at your local library:



Introduce your bub to the joy of nursery rhymes, action songs and simple percussion music and instruments at your local library.

Each council library offering is slightly different, but whether it be Baby Rhyme Time, Wiggle Giggle Read or Baby Bounce, all sessions have the same focus; giving parents and carers the chance to engage babies and children in the laughter and fun of rhyming, singing and dancing to simple beats and music.

  • Aimed at babies and toddlers from newborn to two years old
  • Lively and interactive sessions designed to stimulate sight and sound
  • Helps to build the foundation for optimal brain development in the first two years

For session times contact your council library:

Council Libraries

Kids Activities

Council libraries offer a range of events focused on engaging children in a love of reading and books, with many libraries even offering a calendar of school holiday activities.

Activities include:

  • School holiday programs
  • Summer reading club
  • Kids craft activities

For more information on kids activities at your council library:

Council Libraries

Costumes: Dream. Hope. Imagine.

Did you know your council library has so many ways to inspire creative play and learning in your kiddos!?

Your child can become any character they want to be with dress-ups available in many toy libraries.

Whether it’s a Chef or a Beautician, a Construction Worker or a Crocodile, did you know many council libraries have a range of costumes available to borrow? Your little people can create worlds and characters in their own imagination and be anyone they want to be with the help of your council library.

Teach your kiddos about other cultures and traditional dress from around the world, or just watch them see what it’s like to be Buzz Lightyear for a day (or three!).

To discover what costumes may be available visit your local council library:

Council Libraries

Craft Catalogue

Do you have a little artist in the making? An origami whizz, model maker, or future photographer?

Many council libraries have a variety of crafting options in their catalogues, complete with a wide range of how-to books and craft supplies.

Options include: 

  • Calligraphy
  • Drawing
  • Jewellery
  • Knitting
  • Model making
  • Origami
  • Quilting
  • Photography
  • Pottery
  • Weaving
  • Woodwork

For more information about library craft options: 

Kids Catalogue: Arts & Craft

Digital Catalogue: Hours of entertainment awaits

The digital library catalogue offers a world of play and learning opportunities for your family at your fingertips.

Explore the online library and reserve your items to collect at your council library; from comic books, to games, to magic tricks and board games… every entertainment avenue is covered, and hours of fun awaits!

Options include: 

  • Card games
  • Jokes
  • Juggling
  • Party Supplies
  • Science fun
  • Spooky things
  • Puzzles
  • Online gaming

To explore the digital catalogue:

Digital library offerings

One Card…Loads of Libraries

From Stirling to Streaky Bay. From Port Pirie to Port Adelaide Enfield.

Did you know you can borrow a book in Stirling, and return it in Streaky Bay? Try out a DVD from Port Pirie and return it to Port Adelaide Enfield?

Access to over 4 million items, across all council libraries, with a single library card!

The SA Library One Card Network means you can use any public library across our state with a single card for your family.

Joining the network of over 130 connected public libraries across SA gives you access to:

  • Reserve items in an online catalogue
  • Free delivery of items to your library of choice
  • Borrow and return at your preferred location

Easy access to libraries, from wherever you are, means you have a choice between millions of items, books, magazines, music and DVD’s for your family, with just one library card.

For more information about how to join the One Card Network:

One Card Network FAQ’s

Follow your local council library

Did you know your local council libraries are being creative, diversifying and finding new ways to connect?

Every council library is brimming with activities for kids and families and you can follow along online and be the first to know what’s on!

Check out these social media highlights from some of our council libraries, making fun literary and showcasing what’s new and available both in the library and online.

Follow your council library by downloading the Libraries SA app and join in by tagging your #sacouncil #library #partofyoureveryday in your posts.

For more information about council libraries:


Images: Meaghan Coles Photography

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Take another look at your council library

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