Mercedes College is preparing lifelong leaders

Enroll your child at Mercedes College, and see how they're preparing students to be leaders, for life.

Creative and critical thinking

By fostering creative and critical thinking, Mercedes College is preparing students to be leaders, for life.

See where students flourish when you tour Mercedes College.

To be part of their intake, apply now.

Enabling success

Supporting and encouraging success, is how Mercedes College is preparing students to be leaders, for life.

See where students flourish when you tour Mercedes College.

To be part of their intake, apply now.

Building excellence

Mercedes College is building excellence, with their new $25 million high performance Arts and Sports Precinct.

From early next year, students will use these spaces to rehearse, perform, train, and compete.

See where students flourish when you tour Mercedes College.

To be part of their intake, apply now.

For more information:


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