Pass With Flying Colours!
Whether it’s grasping that forever dreaded long division or tackling the big scary NAPLAN test, NumberWorks‘nWords is here to lend a helping hand, with a gold star on top!
If Abert Einstein or Thomas Edison struggled through school it’s very possible that your child could too. Or maybe they are excelling and want further mental stimulation outside of school. Either way, a tutor is never a bad decision.
NumberWorks’nWords puts the fun back into learning Maths and English, catering to both high school and primary school level! They will work with you and your child to set goals each term and create an individualised program based on their specific needs. Their program is aligned to the Australian curriculum meaning that the strategies they teach are the same ones used in the classroom.
And don’t worry, it’s not all hard work! NumberWorks’nWords puts a strong focus on learning through fun! They believe that if children see their own successes as they reach milestones in their program, they will be more confident and motivated to learn. This means rewards like certificates, treats and games!
At NumberWorks’nWords all new students have a FREE ASSESSMENT during the initial 20-30 minutes of their complimentary first session. The tutor will discuss the results with you, and together, you can decide on the best program for your child.
We asked Owner and Manager of NumberWorks’n’Words Norwood/Unley, Stella Walls, how to decide if your child needs tutoring:
‘We understand the dilemma. On one hand you’re thinking “Maybe I’ll just wait and see how things work out”. And then your mind does an about-turn and thinks, “If we don’t do something soon, it’ll become a bigger problem”.
If you really want to find out if your child needs tuition services, you need to consult an expert educator. You can do this for no cost by booking a free assessment with us. It doesn’t cost a thing and you’ll get a clear picture of how your child is doing compared to other children of the same age. You’ll also get specific information about weaknesses and strengths, as well as an indication of how tuition could make a difference.’
Your child may need tuition at NumberWorks’nWords if he/she:
- Needs to increase skills
- Finds the discipline of homework hard going or needs help with homework
- Says he/she is OK, but your instincts are telling you something is not quite right
- Wants to get into or stay in the top group and feels a tutor will help
- Needs a confidence boost before moving to a new school or sitting exams
- Loves learning and just can’t get enough
- Can be disruptive during lessons or plays the class clown to cover up for non-achievement
- Has clear strengths, but also has weaknesses
Two Locations!
Shop 5
53 – 59 The Parade
Adelaide 5067
Shop 5
248 Unley Road
Hyde Park
Adelaide 5061