Reach For The Stars
Armed with a dream and a tiny 40sqm part time gym space in 2009, founders Jess and Rachel were filled with the kind of spirit that makes the academy what it is today. Now the largest, most competitive program in South Australia, Adelaide All Star Cheerleading is also one of the largest programs in the country!
The dream team behind All Star is comprised of owner and coach Jess, who has more than 50 state titles and over 9 years experience coaching teams and groups to numerous National Championship titles around Australia. Jamie is your go-to man for everything cheer, o ice related and in-between, as well as being a certified cheer and tumble coach. Last but not least, Kayla is a cheerleading, coaching and tumbling extraordinaire from the USA bringing more than 15 years of experience to her role. You know your kids are in safe hands with a team like this!

Owner, Jess’ mission is to reduce the stereotypes around competitive cheerleading and promote the incredible benefits of the sport that she has seen first hand at All Star.
‘Those that only associate cheerleading with sideline style pom poms are really missing out. It’s actually a really exciting challenge for us- to reach out and share the real nature of our sport and introduce people to it for the first time’
The programs at All Star are designed to give young kids the opportunity to develop agility, fitness, strength, teamwork, confidence and should be especially recognised for its capacity to empower young girls.

All Star is a competitive club that puts the fun of cheerleading first. Although they love winning and it’s something they are very good at, it will never get in the way of the vision to teach and inspire their young athletes.
‘Sharing that journey with parents- seeing physical and maturity changes in kids who go from not knowing anything about cheerleading to not only enjoying it, but embracing the whole world of the sport and becoming incredibly talented, dedicated and hard working athletes in the process is one of the most rewarding parts of running our programs.’

As well as its A-class spirit, All Star boasts the best facilities of any other club in SA. Their Nailsworth gym has SA’s largest 9-run full size competition sprung floor giving students a unique advantage for training and competing. Watch the All Star Mini gym tour here.
‘One of the best things about cheerleading is there’s something here for everyone. All ages, all genders, all heights, all levels of athleticism all bundled into fun and welcoming teams.’
Pippa Waganeen and her three beautiful girls, Kitty, Posey and LuLu love a chance to burn o some excess energy around the All Star gymnasium. Although they are all different ages, there are classes to suit each one of the girls, which has everyone looking forward to Cheer time each week!

Now introducing… All Star Juniors classes! The team at All Star have carefully designed an exciting and interactive program for bubs and tots. Watch your little one discover, play and climb over the so cushioned floor of the All Star gym.

5 months – 5 years
These classes are designed to be highly interactive for parents and are a perfect way to introduce your bub to developing co-ordination skills, like walking. Sessions are specifically designed to improve balance and muscle tone through creeping and crawling while also developing visual skills such as depth perception and hand-eye co-ordination. Think colourful toys, guided exploration and free play… all the fun stu !
Tuesday 10 – 11am Wednesday 10 – 11am

2.5 years – 5 years
If your junior tumbler is competent and confident enough Tumble Tots will introduce ‘shapes’ vital for tumbling and cheerleading. Parents can ‘kiss and drop’ and watch safely from the parents lounge as this class works to help mini All Stars develop their body awareness and build strength and fitness. This class will work as the building block to see your child begin working independently with just coaches. A great way to build confidence prior to school!
Tuesday 11 – 11.45am Wednesday 11 – 11.45am

2.5 – 5 years
Once your mini athlete has had a taste
of Tumble Tots and deems themselves ready for the next big step they can start their career as a tiny cheerleader. The Space Cadet competitive team train once a week to learn the basics of cheerleading.They then work together to learn a routine and compete at three competitions throughout the year – just like the big kids!
Saturday 8.30 – 9.15am
* Next in take January 2019
2 Jones St, Nailsworth 8269 1988
Photos by Kirsty Burns Photo