South Australian Circus Centre presents ‘Ropeable’ in the Adelaide Fringe

SA Circus Centre’s Youth Troupe will perform their new work ‘Ropeable during the 2022 Adelaide Fringe in The Peacock at Gluttony in February and March. This is a great opportunity to see some of South Australia’s brilliant young acrobats, who have trained at the leading circus facility for young performers, demonstrate their extraordinary skills and talents.

SA Circus Centre’s Youth Troupe will perform their new work ‘Ropeable during the 2022 Adelaide Fringe in The Peacock at Gluttony, Rymill Park on 20 & 27 February and 6 March.

This is a great opportunity to see some of South Australia’s brilliant young acrobats, who have trained at the leading circus facility for young performers, demonstrate their extraordinary skills and talents.

ropeable adelaide fringe

In Ropeable the SACC troupe explore the premise of how we are stronger as a whole, the sum of the parts.

We enter this world alone, we spend our lives building friendships, forging relationships, joining communities and forming bonds. Each of these bonds has a different dynamic, moments of tension and relaxation. Relationships change, bonds break, bindings are strengthened.  We see we can achieve more as a group, pulling in the same direction. We can elevate an individual, support a cause, build a bridge to a better place.  But what is the worth of each part? In the end, when all is done, we leave this world alone.

South Australian Circus Centre’s Performance Troupe is part of SACC’s Artist Development Program and is run under the guidance of Artistic Director Joshua Hoare, Associate Director Meredith Kitchen and Artist Development Coordinator Jonathan Dragt. As well as producing high quality public productions, over 70 students a week train and are mentored by the specialty trainers in this elite program.

Ropeable is created by Adelaide’s newest generation of acrobats, with performers using their unique skills to produce the work, with Lucas Weston as Assistant Director and the show’s soundtrack, an original composition by Phoenix Pastro. The costumes are designed by Sarah Norton, Juliet Macleod, Rhiannon Copas and Adi Hardy.

SACC’s Artistic Director Joshua Hoare says

“These young artists are making something very special, incredible physicality, inspiring group work, music, visual poetry. They are part of a wave of new circus taking over the world and us Australian’s are at the front of the pack. Make sure you come and see Ropeable and bring the whole family!”

For more information or for tickets:

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