MIMI Haircare: 100% natural hair products for kids

Do you find kids haircare stressful? Tears and tangles and shampoo stinging little eyes and knots and negotiations and NO NO NO? We've found a solution for your mini haircare nightmares, and it's MIMI Haircare for kids!

Emma Mackenzie, Founder of MIMI Haircare for kids was in the same boat. With kids who hated washing their hair, taming tangles in her household was stressful. Talking to other parents, she realised she wasn’t alone, and many other folks were feeling defeated in their attempts to tame the tangled hair dragon.

As a marketer for Elizabeth Arden, Emma already knew the right scientists to ask her big, tangled question. Why do kids hate washing their hair?

The ugly tangled truth

Shampoo and conditioner brands, have become clever at masking toxic synthetic ingredients with alternative names and creative marketing claims.  

Unbeknownst to parents, they are washing their kids hair with shampoo containing some of the same nasty ingredients, found in common car wash and radiator fluid. 

Did you know personal care products sold in Australia are not regulated by a safety standard? There is no mandate that products are to be tested for safety prior to sale. Just because a product label says ‘hair styler for kids’ or even baby shampoo’, does not mean it has been tested and or found safe for use.

If this isn’t a big, huge red flag, we don’t know what is!

natural hair care for kids

MIMI Haircare. No nasties, safe for kids.

MIMI Haircare for kids is a safer, better and easier way to manage kids tangled hair.  

The team behind MIMI know that kids have fine/dry hair with thinner more sensitive scalps.  Detergents commonly used in most shampoos, strip kids’ hair of naturally occurring oils making dry tangled hair even more tangled.

Forget shampoo all together. MIMI has developed the first Hair Wash for kids. One product, perfectly balanced natural ingredients to clean and nourish hair. No nasties. Safe for kids.

Yes please!

Working with Australia’s leading cosmetic formulators,  I have developed the worlds safest and easiest kids hair wash and kids hair detangler. 100% natural with no nasties. Only plant-based ingredients that won’t sting little eyes – Emma Mackenzie

MIMI is a 100% natural hair care solution for kids, that works.

MIMI Haircare for kids also sell a range of kids hair brushes (both wet and dry, designed to fit kids’ hands) detangling spray and silk pillowcases so you can teach your little one the importance of a good haircare routine with 3 simple steps from an early age!

For more information:


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