Loog guitars: kids’ guitars reimagined

loog for kids guitars three strings
Loog is a line of guitars designed to make it fun and easy for kids to play music. They come with an app, flashcards and video lessons. Kids will be playing songs on day one!

Playing a musical instrument helps kids benefit in almost every level: it enhances their cognitive skills, memory, mental processing speed, verbal fluency, creative thinking and focus. And by offering a fun and easy learning experience that allows children to play songs right from day one, Loog three string guitars makes kids feel rewarded and encouraged to keep on playing and learning.

Loog started as an academic project in 2010 when Rafael Atijas developed the concept as his Master’s thesis at New York University. The fact that The Loog Guitar was conceived in a university actually explains a lot about the company’s culture: the main goal is not to make the most profit, but to offer a product that is unique and well-designed.

loog guitars for kids

In 2011, the original Loog Guitar launched via Kickstarter, raising $65,618 from people all over the world who believed in the project and wanted to play a part in bringing this idea to life. In 2019 the company ran a new Kickstarter campaign to introduce its current lineup, raising $557,812 and turning Loog into the best-selling guitar ever on Kickstarter.

Why are Loog guitars good for kids?

Playing songs on a traditional guitar can be a daunting task for beginners. Loog guitars solve this: their 3-string neck reduces chords to the basic triad—just three notes—making the whole learning process easier and faster. With a Loog guitar and its accompanying app, kids can play songs right from day one, feeling rewarded and encouraged to keep on playing and learning.

kid friendly guitars three strings

Learn on a Loog. Play any guitar.

Loog guitars use the first three strings of a guitar: same strings, same tuning.

This is why finger placement and everything you learn on a Loog can be applied on a 6-string guitar too. And with the free Loog Guitar app, learning guitar is as fun as playing a game.

loog-guitars for kids app

More than just a guitar

All Loog guitars come bundled with flashcards and an app that have everything you need to learn how to play guitar. Loog also host FREE live lessons via Zoom; these are thirty-minute sessions covering guitar basics, meant as a starting guide for kids who just got a Loog.

For more information: 


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