St Dominic’s Priory College Fete + Auction
Building on over 70 years of community tradition, there is something for all ages at the St Dominic’s Priory College Fete & Auction! Held from 10am – 3pm, on Sunday 29 October, this family-friendly community event will include:
- Multicultural Food Stalls
- Afternoon Tea, Desserts and other sweet treats
- Live Music and entertainment
- Chocolate Wheel, amusements and an assortment of games, crafts and activities
- Children’s Petting Zoo with little farmyard animals to cuddle and feed
A live Auction will be held on the day, with items open for viewing from 11am and bidding starting at 12 noon. A Silent Auction will also run concurrently throughout the day.
WHAT: St Dominic’s Priory College Fete & Auction
WHEN: Sunday 29 October 2023 – 10am to 3pm (Free Entry)
WHERE: St Dominic’s Priory College, Molesworth & Barnard Streets, North Adelaide
WHO: Families, local community and people of all ages
For more information about the day: