Mother’s Day Birthing Kit Workshop
Join Studio Safari for a morning of connection and community as we celebrate Mother’s Day in a very special way – assembling Clean Birth Kits for mothers and babies in developing countries with the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia.
Clean Birth Kits are simple and effective tools for basic infection prevention and first-line childbirth care. Each component has been selected to support the 6 principles of cleanliness at birth for mothers, newborns, and birth attendants in high-risk and emergency settings.
Your ticket price will cover the cost of 10 clean birth kits, and includes morning tea and refreshments. Seated at tables of 4-6 people, this event is a beautiful way to honour a mother in your life (or your own role as a mother) while giving back to others. Spend a few hours working on something that makes a real difference, with plenty of opportunity for conversation along the way.
We’ll provide a quick introduction to the Birthing Kit Foundation and their work, plus an instructional video, and then let’s reach our goal of 500 kits assembled by the end of the day!
Additional donations in honour of a mother in your life are welcomed, to cover the cost of more Clean Birth Kits.
This event is suitable for children 10+ years of age.