adelaide christian school

Emmaus Principal's Tour

Emmaus South Plympton Campus Principal’s Tours

Emmaus Principal’s Tours are the best way to gain an insight into student life and the Emmaus Christian College culture and community. Tours run during a normal school day when you can see the classrooms in action, meet the teachers and talk to key leadership staff and students. Tour Dates 2023: South Plympton Campus Junior School (F – Year 6) Thursday 9 March, 9am – 11am Wednesday 24 May, 9am – 11am Tuesday 22 August, 9am – 11am South Plympton Campus Middle/Senior School (Years 7 – 12) Wednesday 8 March, 9am – 11am Thursday 25 May, 9am – 11am Wednesday 23 August, 9am – 11am To book your place:

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Emmaus Brooklyn Park Campus Principal’s Tours

Principal’s Tours at Emmaus are the best way to experience and discover our College, first-hand. Tours are held during a normal school day, where you will see the classes in-action, meet the teachers, staff and students and gain an insight into our unique, Christian culture. It will include welcome and introduction by Emmaus Principal, Andrew Linke followed by information from Head of School, Marni Greenwood and ELC Director, Lauren Hughes. Tour dates 2023: 9am – 11am Thursday 2 March 9am – 11am Tuesday 6 June 9am – 11am Tuesday 15 August To book your place:

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