5 breastfeeding myths BUSTED by a Lactation Consultant

Breastfeeding can be overwhelming and confusing sometimes – especially in the beginning. You might encounter challenges like low supply and pain, or even difficulty getting baby to latch.

WORDS: Courtney Garland, Registered NICU Nurse, Certified Paediatric Sleep Expert, Lactation Consultant and the Founder of Mama Linc

The problem is, there is so much conflicting info and advice out there, it can sometimes be hard to know what to trust.

So, we’ve enlisted the help of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Mum of 3 and Mama Linc founder Courtney Garland to help you cut through some of the noise and bust some common breastfeeding myths.

Myth #1: Breastfeeding should be easy

Breastfeeding might often LOOK easy from the outside, but the truth is, it is a learned skill for both you and your little one. Yes, it’s natural and beautiful, but it still takes time, education, practice and a whole lot of perseverance to master. Nobody expects you to know what to do straight away, and you shouldn’t place that stress on yourself either. The best thing you can do to set yourself up for breastfeeding success is to start learning before your baby is born; Take a breastfeeding class while pregnant (Mama Linc offers a FREE online breastfeeding Masterclass), check in with an IBCLC and try antenatal hand expressing (with medical clearance). The more you know, the more supported you feel, and the more comfortable you are with your breasts, the easier it will be for you and your baby to have a wonderful breastfeeding journey together.

Myth #2: Breastfeeding should hurt

While it’s true that some discomfort in the beginning can be expected, persistent pain while breastfeeding is not normal and often indicates underlying issues such as poor latch, lip or tongue ties and positioning issues. Sometimes conditions such as nipple thrush or nipple vasospasm can also occur without us even realising what is happening. Don’t ignore your pain – seek support. Often there’s a simple solution that can help you and your little one to breastfeed in comfort.

Myth #3: Breast is best

While it’s widely acknowledged that human breast milk is the best source of nutrition for human babies, that doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for every family at all times. There are many reasons why breastfeeding isn’t always possible, practical or desired and you never need to justify why you might bottle feed (formula or expressed milk), pump or even mixed feed. What matters most is that you have the opportunity to make supported, informed decisions that work for you, your baby and your family.

Myth #4: If you drink, you’ll have to pump and dump

First of all, it’s OK to want a drink – many of us enjoy a glass of our favourite from time to time and it’s nothing to feel guilty about. What’s important to understand is how alcohol gets into breast milk, and how long it takes to clear. This is because no amount of pumping and dumping is going to reduce the alcohol content in your milk if enough time hasn’t passed. Alcohol isn’t actually stored in your breasts, it flows in and out, according to your blood/alcohol levels, peaking ~30-60 mins after consumption. A general rule is that it takes 2-3 hours for EACH standard drink to clear from your system (yes, 2-3 hours PER standard drink). So, if you’re just having one drink, and baby is unlikely to need another feed in the next 2-3 hours, you might like to try feeding them first. The Feed Safe app is a great tool to check out.

Myth #5: You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding

After you have a baby, there is a period of delayed fertility – Lactational Amenorrhea. If your baby is under 6 months, exclusively breastfeeding, not yet on solids, and your periods haven’t returned, it is fairly unlikely that you will conceive. I say unlikely, but not impossible because you will ovulate before your first postpartum period. Therefore, there is a chance that you could be fertile before you are aware of it. If you’re keen to avoid pregnancy, it’s definitely worth discussing other forms of breastfeeding-safe contraception with your provider – there are several options that might work best for you.

For more breastfeeding support and advice, take Courtney’s FREE online Breastfeeding Masterclass and make sure you download the NEW Mama Linc app (free 7 day trial available!). 

Use KIDDOMAG20 for a $20 discount off any Mama Linc programs.

Courtney Garland is a Registered NICU Nurse, Certified Paediatric Sleep Expert, Lactation Consultant and the Founder of Mama Linc – a nurturing global community and Australian-first App that provides trusted advice, live demos and tutorials for pregnant and new parents. She’s also a Mama of 3 and is passionate about reducing the stress, overwhelm and worry that many parents face on their journeys – instead helping them to feel confident, self-assured and connected.

For more from Courtney:




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