Travel with Mish and Kirk

Mish and Kirk Ryan-Welsh
Meet Mish and Kirk Ryan-Welsh. Wanderers, dreamers, creators, life-lovers. After travelling the world as a couple, the free-spirited pair has made a cosy home in Adelaide with their beautiful baby boy Jiah, sharing their journey as they navigate parenthood in South Australia and beyond.

With a love of travel, local hotspots, nature, unique destinations, and good food, Mish and Kirk use their platform to share their family adventures, sandy sunsets by the ocean, fashion (mum life…but make it stylish!) and of course, the wild ride that is life as new parents.

Their unique and trending boho style has also been the inspiration behind their two successful businesses. Wild Throw Co. interiors offers a collection of versatile, 100% natural, designer throws made for the slow days, cosy nights, picnic soirees, from bed to beach to wild adventure. The pair also capture love in all its splendour via their photography and videography venture, Wild Boho Weddings. Mish and Kirk have created a warm and welcoming community, and it’s all too easy to get utterly lost in the beauty of their dreamy feed.

We chat with Mish and Kirk about their world-wanderings, settling down with a new bub and their priceless tips for travelling with a baby!

Mish Ryan Welsh and Jiah

Tell us a little about yourselves and your growing family.

Kirk and I have been together for almost eight years, and married for almost four. We spent the first few years of our relationship travelling the world, which is how we discovered our love for photography. Four years ago, we returned to South Australia where I’m originally from, and bought a home together—boy it feels good going to sleep in the same bed every night now! We recently started up our photography business, and more recently welcomed our baby boy Jiah into the world. He turns one in November, but it feels like just yesterday that we were bringing him home.

How are you finding navigating new parenthood together?

It has been SO MUCH fun, every month is so different from the last, just when we think we have him all worked out, Jiah has learnt something new, which is just the best. We’re so grateful to be able to run our businesses from home, which means we can spend these early years with our boy and also share this journey as parents together. It has meant that we’re always on the same page (which I think is just so important) and we’re able to be present for Jiah too.

ish and Kirk Ryan Welsh and Jiah

You have used your platform to share your love of travel and your experiences jet setting across the world. How has life changed since you’ve had little Jiah?

For us, our lifestyle hasn’t changed too drastically with Jiah! He’s already the best little travel buddy, and we love seeing the world through his eyes, where tiny flowers, trees, and birds excite him more than toys when we’re on an adventure! The biggest difference we’ve found is the pace of which we now travel. Previously we would cram so much into one day, but with Jiah, we have been forced to take things a lot slower to allow for naps, feeds etc, and it’s actually been a really nice change!

We’re yet to venture overseas, but we have an exciting trip in the works for early next year to one of our favourite places in the world that we can’t wait to show Jiah.

Mish and Kirk Ryan Welsh and baby Jiah

Tell us about some of your family adventures since Jiah was born, any fave family spots to hit with a bub? 

We’ve travelled a lot within SA with Jiah since he was born, and stayed at lots of family friendly Airbnb’s!


  • Brooklyn Farm Stay is an Airbnb on a property in Myponga and they have the cutest little farm animals, alpacas and goats; we can’t wait to take Jiah there when he’s a bit older.
  • Beach Huts Middleton are also a favourite spot of ours, colourful beautiful beach huts that have full kitchen facilities, on-site restaurant, tennis courts, and a short walk to the beach.
  • Kangaroo Island! Jiah’s first boat ride was here.


We’ve also taken Jiah to Sydney and Queensland to meet Kirk’s family who live over there, and most recently, Hamilton Island, which we also found really family friendly.

Do you have some favourite SA holiday destinations you can share with us?

We love Port Elliott and Middleton, there are so many cute Airbnb’s and gorgeous beaches. Of course you also can’t go wrong anywhere along the Fleurieu Peninsula. There are lots of cafes, wineries, and you can always guarantee to find a spot on the beach to yourself. Robe is also one of our favourite seaside towns.

Mish Ryan Welsh and baby Jiah

What are your favourite things to do in Adelaide as a family?


  • Sitting on the beach, watching the sunset over the ocean with hot chips or a pizza!
  • Taking a little road trip down the coast.
  • Brunch + coffee at one of our favourite cafes.
  • Going for walks along the esplanade, or a visit to the playground (Jiah loves a good swing).


You have two successful businesses Wild Throw Co. and Wild Boho Weddings, can you tell us a bit about them? There are some images in the drive that relate specifically to this question (entitled wild boho weddings and wild throw co)

Wild Boho Weddings was born four years ago! We transitioned our love for photography/videography into capturing people’s special days, in a really natural way. We take bookings here in South Australia from September through to May, and then have a few months each year to travel, and lay low.

Wild Throw Co. is Mish’s baby! We launched just over two years ago, where we have designed a collection of throw rugs to be used from bed to beach. They are all made from 100% cotton, and ethically handcrafted in India. Both of these businesses have allowed us to live a really balanced and flexible lifestyle.

Finish these sentences

We can’t live without… Some time outdoors every day, even if it’s just in our backyard! And our incredibly supportive family who are absolutely obsessed with Jiah (and Jiah is obsessed with them too!) and will help out at the drop of a hat whenever we need, or just because.

Our morning starts with… Coffee (for mum), and Sesame Street (for Jiah).                  

Parenting is… tricky, forever changing, but the very best and most rewarding privilege in the world.

Mish Kirk and Jiah

Mish and Kirk’s top tips for travelling with a baby

Babies are SO adaptable! We have found it really easy to travel with Jiah, as he’s so fascinated by new places, which exhausts him, and means that he sleeps so, so well.


  • Don’t try and cram too much into one day, slow travel is the way to go.
  • Invest in a comfy baby carrier.
  • Don’t think too much about maintaining their usual routine at home if it’s impacting your travels, they’ll return to it once you’re back!
  • Pack something they love, whether it be a favourite teddy, book, or toy – something that’s familiar to them.
  • Start somewhere local/close by, for a bit of a test of what you do/don’t need to pack.


Follow Mish & Kirk’s adventures on Instagram:


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