Jess Dover: A model mum

Adelaide model, primary school teacher, influencer, and former House Rules contestant, Jess Dover, is relishing a new role - she’s now also a Mum, after welcoming her gorgeous son, Seb (9 months), into the world! We wanted to get to know more about Jess, how her different roles have shaped her over the years and how she’s enjoying the rollercoaster ride of life as a new mum.  

Wearing so many hats and juggling motherhood is by no means a small feat; we wanted to get to know more about Jess, how her different roles have shaped her over the years and how she’s enjoying the rollercoaster ride of life as a new mum.  

jess dover

You’re a mother, model and also a teacher, tell us about how those roles have moulded you over the years.

I clearly had a strong love and passion for children, hence choosing to study teaching but it’s funny, prior to being a mum I thought “Oh I’m a teacher I love kids, I understand them, I’ll be right…” oh, how wrong I was. In the first few weeks of becoming a mum I kept saying it was like I had just started a new job that I had zero skill set for. Every mum had said that nothing could possibly prepare you for being a mum and they were absolutely correct. The best and hardest job of our lives!

What is the most important lesson motherhood has taught you?

How strong mothers are. Since becoming a mum myself, I have this immense admiration for every mother. We really don’t give ourselves enough credit for how strong we all are!

jess dover

What are some beauty tips for new mums?

Eye masks and a strong coffee…haha! One thing I’ve really tried to stay consistent with whilst becoming a new mum is my skin care routine (mine is so basic but I make sure I do it each night to wake up feeling hydrated). And nothing can lift your self esteem like a good spray tan or putting some fake tan on your face before bed. *Tip – I put a face moisturiser under my tan so my skin doesn’t dry out overnight. I always wake up feeling nice and glowy when I tan my face!

What are your self-care tips?

Self care for me is pretty simple – lots of water  (I feel pretty foggy unless I drink 2-3L of water a day) and regular exercise; whether that’s a KX Pilates class or a morning walk along the beach. And nothing at all can top hanging out with my best friends having a laugh, it always makes me feel better if I’m feeling flat.

What is one thing that you want Seb to know about life.

That he is loved and he will always be loved.


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