Get around it: Izzy Vincent

Meet Izzy Vincent, a 17-year-old Paralympic medallist from Tarntanya (Adelaide) on Kaurna Country.

Izzy was born with a condition that means she’s unable to use her legs and uses a wheelchair for mobility.

In 2019, Izzy underwent foot surgery which required hydrotherapy for recovery. It was during hydrotherapy that Izzy learned that she loved being in the water: “The pool gave me a sense of freedom, my pain was decreased, and I was able to get around in the water much easier than out.”

After she’d recovered from surgery, Izzy joined the Norwood Swimming Club’s program for swimmers with disabilities and, with the support of her coach, began training and learning how to adapt her swimming stroke to her abilities. Shortly after beginning training, Izzy qualified at a state and then national level where she finished 4th in backstroke and set new records for her age. 

Continuing her swimming success, Izzy represented Australia at the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo where she swam as part of the relay team, winning a bronze and a silver medal.

The medal ceremony is a special part of the experience. You feel a sense of achievement and appreciation for all those people who have supported you along the way to achieve this.

“There are obviously highs and lows along the way which starts with the challenges of my disability.  Add to that 4:30am alarms six days a week to get to 5:15am training before school, the training after school, the gym sessions, the sessions to keep my body going – massage, physio, osteo etc and of course some schoolwork thrown in!  But I wouldn’t change a thing and I’m incredibly thankful to my coaches and support crew who help me on this journey.”

To keep up with Izzy and what’s she’s up to, follow her on Instagram: @izzysuperfish

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