Bec Judd Shares Her Baby Bible!

As a successful entrepreneur, lifestyle blogger, brand ambassador, television and radio host and mother of four children, one could be forgiven for wondering how Bec Judd could possibly find time to do more. On top of all that, Bec has recently launched her first book, The Baby Bible – the ultimate baby book for modern mums.

How did you come about writing The Baby Bible?

Writing a book is something that was always a distant goal. I didn’t know what I wanted to write about, but I’d always thought I’d love to write a book one day. Publishing the blog, I cover so many lifestyle areas, from fashion, beauty and food, to interiors and events. When I ended up having four children and started writing more about baby routines and feeding, I thought “this is my jam now, I know what I’m doing.” I don’t think you can quite write a book after you’ve had two babies, but after I had four I knew I was well qualified!

Tell us a bit about the book and how new and pregnant mums can benefit from it?

With a name like ‘The Baby Bible’, we really had to encompass the entire pregnancy and newborn baby journey. It’s a month by month guide, but it has my personal story interwoven into the months. My entire medical team have also contributed so it covers all the professional advice, as well as my story and lifestyle elements like recipes, lists and routines. It really is, I think, everything from the entire journey and I’ve told it in a very raw, honest, funny way that I think has been missing in baby books gone by. I wanted people to be able to really connect with my journey and relate it to theirs.

How important was your dream team of medical experts in your pregnancies?

So important! They were the team through all three of my pregnancies and I was very lucky to have them. Dr Len Kliman is one of the best obstetricians in the country and Dr Andrew Ngu is the global head of fetal ultrasound, so I was in the best hands. I’m a mad researcher so I researched a lot to find out what was happening with my body and how people could help me. As well as what was happening with the babies from a sleep-science perspective and who was the best person to see. Oscar was a terrible sleeper and when he was six weeks old I was at breaking point. That’s when I realised how important it was to outsource to professionals if you don’t know what you’re doing.

“It’s okay to say I’m not super mum and I can’t do this all by myself because if I do, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.”

Reading The Baby Bible feels like sitting down and chatting with a brutally honest friend about pregnancy and babies. Is that the tone you were hoping to achieve?

I wanted to have a tone throughout the book of women supporting each other. Don’t compare your baby to others or your routine to others, just pick and choose what you need and adapt it to your baby. I want mums to read it and go “it’s ok if I did it like this, but my mum or girlfriend did it like this” just to stop the judgement, comparison and guilt. The tone of the book in that way was very considered.

Are you a naturally organised person? Has having kids changed this?

I always used to be the one who would text or email back straight away, return calls, and never, ever, be late. Now I’m always the last-minute canceller, 15-20 minutes late to everything, never get back to my friends. It’s completely changed me. I prioritise my children and they work to their own schedule so it’s been a big shock actually. I’m not used to always apologising, but I’m just in a different part of my life and you’ve got to prioritise your family.

Can you tell us some of the things you try to make time for in terms of fitness, beauty, food and wellness?

I try to make those things fit in over a week. If I have a crazy work schedule and I barely see my kids, the next day I will try to schedule in a day with them. I do cardio tennis on a Tuesday morning; Wednesday Chris and I do date night, so we have a babysitter and we’ll either play tennis, watch a movie or do dinner. Throughout the week, I try and get that balance right and it’s been engineered over time, I haven’t always been good at it but I feel like I’m at a good place now.

Can you share with any final words of wisdom for new mums?

Just enjoy the ride. Everyone says this and I know it’s cliché, but they do grow up so fast. Even when you’re going through a bad patch and are kind of hating on life, just know that it doesn’t last forever.

“I remember when Oscar was a newborn thinking I hate this, this is never going to end, I’ve ruined my life”

and that only feels like yesterday and now he’s about to turn seven. So just know that it doesn’t last forever and you will get through it.

This is just a taste of all the wisdom within The Baby Bible and it’s such a relatable read from someone who is a hands-on mum who keeps it real and after birthing four babies, clearly has experience up her sleeve which she wants to share to remind all mamas that we’re in this together. It’s clear that Bec is driven, ambitious and family oriented, and that she has experienced so much of what motherhood can throw at you. A woman of many talents, she can now add published author to her expansive list of career accomplishments. Without doubt, however, her greatest achievements to date are her beautiful children, Oscar, Billie and twins Tom and Darcy.

Instagram: @becjudd
Facebook: @rebeccajuddloves

Review: @eeniemeeniemineymum

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