REVIEW: Bubba-licious

KID FRIENDLY ADELAIDE FRINGE REVIEW: KIDDO reviewer Caitlin Robinson took her bubba along to a Fringe show made especially for babies, the aptly named Bubba-Licious, and it ticked all the boxes for 'baby's first Fringe'!

Full of energy, music and bub-friendly

WORDS: Caitlin Robinson

If you’re after an affordable, engaging excuse to go to the Fringe with your little tyke then Bubba-licious could be exactly what you’re after.


Kat and her assistants put on an energetic performance complete with shadow puppets, lights and music. Sing-a-longs include familiar tunes like Twinkle Twinkle and Incy Wincy Spider, and incorporate themed props.

Throw into the mix a few songs which, although unfamiliar, are performed with just as much enthusiasm (and some pretty cool light up costumes!) and you have a performance that most toddlers would stare at in amazement (mine did!)


It’s simply put together, and you’ll have your little one on your lap, but for a perfectly timed 30 minutes of your day, they’ll be bopping, clapping or eyes-wide with wonder and you can sit back and enjoy, knowing you’re in a child friendly environment around other parents.

With a bit of comedy, lots of singing and some crazy dance moves, Bubba-licious is a show made for toddlers by a mum who knows what they’re all about. Top it off with a lovely stroll in the gardens afterwards and you’ve got yourself a day well spent!

Bubbalicious Event Details

Sat 26 Feb – Sun 27 Feb: 11am, 11:45amSat 5 Mar – Sun 6 Mar: 11am, 11:45amSat 12 Mar – Mon 14 Mar: 11am, 11:45am
Sat 19 Mar – Sun 20 Mar: 11am, 11:45am

Venue: Ukiyo at Gluttony

For tickets:

Reviewer Caitlin Robinson also blogs at Learning to Mum

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