Why choose functional mobile personal training?

If you've looked into personal training or group fitness classes lately, you've probably seen "functional training" in a workout description. But a far cry from fitness fad, functional training is more than just the latest buzzword, it's a legitimate workout and it's all about helping us move better in day-to-day life. We asked Ryan Bartlett, Founder of Functional for Life personal training to take us through why functional mobile personal training is a great choice for busy parents.

If you’ve looked into personal training or group fitness classes lately, you’ve probably seen “functional training” in a workout description.

But a far cry from fitness fad, functional training is more than just the latest buzzword, it’s a legitimate workout and it’s all about helping us move better in day-to-day life. Whether that’s picking up your kiddo, carrying the shopping bags from of the car or lifting  something down from a top shelf, the key word here is function. A functional workout is one that strengthens you in a particular way that directly translates to an activity outside the gym and within your every day life.

We asked Ryan Bartlett, Founder of Functional for Life personal training to take us through why functional mobile personal training is a great choice for busy parents.

Convenience: You can train almost anywhere

With Functional for Life personal training, you can engage in an awesome functional circuit with no equipment whatsoever, or —when you’re ready to challenge yourself further— with simple free weights or hand held equipment like kettle bells, dumbbells or resistance bands.

You choose where you train, whether it’s the park, the beach, or in your own lounge with the kiddos playing in the next room. You don’t even need much space; most clients can be trained in an area the size of two exercise mats and still have an excellent work out.

Functional for Life deliver high-quality, mobile, professional personal training in Adelaide and surrounding suburbs, and work training in and around your lifestyle and goals. You’ll have expert guidance giving you the confidence you’re implementing the right exercises and routines for you.

Reach your goals with Functional Training

Personal training these days can be very ‘one size fits all’ however Functional for Life programs are highly tailored and specialised to each individual client.

Functional training means there is a focus on repeating movements that are going to benefit you in your every day life. Functional movements can be done in a variety of ways ranging from activation exercises, strength and even high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Through this style of training almost any health and fitness goal can be achieved, whilst simultaneously training your body to function significantly better, optimising your overall movement for day-to-day life.

If you choose to train with us, we will make your body stronger, more mobile and ready to keep up with your kids, garden with ease, lift the shopping bags out of the car and run that extra mile.

– Ryan Bartlett, Founder of Functional for Life

functional for life

Functional for Life Adelaide

Functional for Life have been working with clients in Adelaide since 2019, priding themselves on up-skilling all trainers to be highly competent in improving movement through training.

The Functional for Life team believe that it’s essential to work on having a body that moves correctly and efficiently, the way it was designed to. This is the first step in any exercise program and once this foundation has been built, you’ll be putting yourself in the best position possible to engage in any exercise program you like. 

1300 070 955

Find out more about Functional for Life

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