Fertility SA: Giving Mother Nature a helping hand

With over a decade helping South Australian families and with a hand in more than 2000 babies being welcomed into the world, the team at Fertility SA understand making the decision to have a child is one of the biggest steps people take in their lives. One that doesn’t always go exactly to plan for one reason or another.

With over a decade helping South Australian families and with a hand in more than 2000 babies being welcomed into the world, the team at Fertility SA understand making the decision to have a child is one of the biggest steps people take in their lives. One that doesn’t always go exactly to plan for one reason or another.

Living through a once in a lifetime pandemic has led many women and couples to consider their options and what they want in life. While we’ve been in lockdown FertilitySA have continued their dedicated mission to offer the right treatment for patients, acknowledge that everyone has a different journey and that completely individualised treatment plans are the best way forward.

This means honest and intelligent advice about the treatment options, costs and potential success.

There are many causes of infertility for both men and women and at Fertility SA specialists work with you to give you the best possible chance of conceiving a healthy baby, as well as options to think about before you even start trying.

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You can choose the option to freeze your eggs even without having a life partner in tow or knowing exactly what the future holds.

If you’re a single woman in your 30s still searching for Mr or Ms Right, you’ve probably been asked “when are you going to settle down and have kids!?” more times than you care to remember.

Trying to find your match can be stressful, particularly if you’re holding out for someone special to start a family with. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help that time isn’t on your side.

As a woman, your chance of having a baby decreases with age. Your most fertile years are when you’re in your early to mid twenties, after which, your fertility begins to decline. Despite the huge advances in technology our basic biology hasn’t changed. Women are born with all the eggs we are ever going to have and they reduce in number every year. Egg quality also starts to reduce around the age of 32 and then more rapidly after 35.

By 40, it’s quite difficult to have a baby using your own eggs and there is a higher risk of pregnancy complications as well.

Increasingly, this important health message is getting out there and women are making appointments to see their doctors to talk about options to preserve their fertility.

Options include planning to have a baby without a partner (through the use of donor sperm), or more commonly, freezing eggs for when the right partner does come along. The decision to use fertility preservation treatment, or to create a family without a partner is a complex one, and no good fertility clinic will embark on treatment lightly.

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If you haven’t been successful in conceiving naturally or you’d like to look into your fertility before you start trying, Fertility SA have specialist doctors you can talk to about the way forward.

Offering a range of services from low impact intervention, IVF and ICSI treatments, fertility preservation as well as counselling services and genetic testing, Fertility SA specialists will look at your unique circumstances and help you make the plan that suits your situation.


Optimising health before you’re pregnant is an increasingly important contributing factor to improving the chances of natural conception. Lifestyle choices can make a big difference! Considering both partner’s current lifestyles and making even small adjustments can drastically improve chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Making a baby at home is obviously a lot more fun than having to face the ‘rollercoaster’ of fertility treatments! Sometimes all it takes is the correct advice and being as healthy as you can be.

It’s not rocket science and it may be boring – but simple things like eating well and getting regular exercise are essential.

More and more research shows that the health of parents in the months leading up to conception, not only impacts on the health of their child, but also on the health of the next generation as well.

Sperm and eggs take three months to fully develop – so it’s ideal to really work on lifestyle for the months before trying to conceive. Fertility SA can help guide you on some of the changes you might need to make to your lifestyle to improve your chances of success.

To find out more about the clinic:

8100 2900
Level 9, 431 King William Street.

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