Why Choose a Girl’s School?

St Mary's
The oldest continuously running school for girls in South Australia, St Mary’s College was established on 2 February 1869, following the arrival in Adelaide from Dublin, Ireland, of seven Dominican Sisters.

The determination and commitment of their founding sisters, to the critical importance of educating girls and young women, lives in the fabric of the school.

Their approach to learning is contemporary and innovative as they provide a safe space in which girls and young women are challenged and given the confidence to actively engage, ask questions, debate, dialogue, and lead.

St Mary’s College has a holistic approach to education that extends beyond academics. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that promotes success in all disciplines, including STEM, the Arts, Language, and Sport, with specialist teachers across Reception to Year 12 cohort. By nurturing engagement in these areas, St Mary’s College prepares your daughter for a future that demands a diverse skill set and encourages creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Educational research by the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia shows many benefits for girls in a single-sex learning environment. Their findings show that girls’ schools’ classrooms are less disruptive, achieve higher levels of success, and have higher participation rates in Maths and Science than co-educational schools.

Please read a list of some of the many benefits your daughter will find at St Mary’s College:

  • We know girls and their developmental needs
  • We empower our students to defy gender stereotypes
  • We nurture a respectful and focused learning environment
  • We support girls to succeed in all learning disciplines
  • We build voice and agency for girls and young women
  • We challenge silence and injustice
  • We model a culture of strong inclusive leadership
  • We develop confidence, self-assurance, and resilience
  • We nurture engagement in The Arts and STEM
  • We promote strong cultures of participation in sport and physical activity


St Mary’s College is a member of the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia.

For more information:


Click HERE to book a College Tour or register your daughter for a Come and Try Day so you can experience the St Mary’s difference for yourself.

St Marys College

All roads lead to St Mary’s College

St Mary’s College is a Reception to Year 12 Catholic girls’ school in the heart of the city of Adelaide. They empower young women through the key areas of Learning, Relationships, and Innovation.

They offer students access to an exciting and expansive world within a small, safe, and supportive community. They pride themselves on being big enough to house a diverse range of opportunities, but small enough that everyone in their community is recognised and celebrated amongst the cohort. St Mary’s College fosters an environment that is vibrant, celebratory, and encouraging; an educational experience that nurtures development, integrity, and truth; and a curriculum that is supportive, challenging, creative, active and tailor made for young women.

St Mary’s College believes that learning happens within and beyond the classroom. With one convenient location in the city, students can network and connect with all the opportunities their city location has to offer.

Due to this prime location, your family will find navigating to and from the College easy. Your daughter can develop her independence by catching the bus, tram, or train to school, or access the ‘kiss and drop’ zone, or, if required, attending OSHC as early as 6:45 am and collecting as late as 6:00 pm.

St Mary’s College is currently finalising Reception and Year 7 for 2024 and encourages enrolment to secure a place for 2025. It’s not too late to enrol for their Mid-Year Reception 2023 class; give your daughter a head start into her schooling with free tuition for Terms 3 and 4.

Click HERE for more information.

St Mary's

‘WRAP’ around support

St Mary’s College is dedicated in providing an educational experience that not only nurtures students but also prepares them for their future endeavours. Their commitment to this is evident in their Wellbeing Program, WRAP.

WRAP is a program designed for students from Reception to Year 12, embedded in their curriculum and teaches social and emotional wellbeing through four domains, Wellbeing, Relationships, Agency, and Personal Responsibility.

WRAP focuses on teaching personal and social capabilities, safety, social skills, empathy, setting boundaries, and building respectful relationships with others. WRAP covers complex topics in an age-appropriate way through weekly lessons, parent sessions, and resources. The program is enriched by a strong research base about the developmental needs of young women, helping them achieve their purpose and live the values of truth, justice, and community. WRAP is supported by the philosophy that wellbeing is essential for learning, and learning is essential for wellbeing.

WRAP is delivered through a collaborative approach, utilising industry experts, professional guest speakers, and the expertise of the St Mary’s College Wellbeing Team, which comprises qualified social workers with extensive experience in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people, and their families. Our social workers use research and incorporate evidence-based interventions, which is a valuable contribution to the wellbeing of our students, particularly through our WRAP program.

Wellbeing is evident throughout the College through their Wellbeing Centre, a safe and calm environment where staff support students in addressing various social, emotional, and psychological needs. The College also has a student-led wellbeing platform, ‘SWAG’ (Student Wellbeing Advisory Group), a forum for student voice whereby working through the WRAP program, the group aid in responding to student needs and developing resources to support wellbeing.

The approach at St Mary’s College is that wellbeing is everybody’s business. In today’s fast-paced and high-pressure world, prioritising wellbeing is more critical than ever. With its focus on truth, justice, and community, St Mary’s College is not only preparing its students for a successful future but also empowering them to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.

For more information, contact our registrar via email:


phone 08 8216 5700

or visit the website


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