Behind the scenes of St Peter’s Woodlands show-stopping theatre and multi-purpose centre

SPW new centre
A 600-seat theatre and multi-purpose centre is the focus of St Peter’s Woodlands first ‘The Day of Extraordinary’ Giving Day, being held on Wednesday 24 May.

In 2023 St Peter’s Woodlands is excited to work towards the largest building project undertaken in its 100 years of educational history on this site. The project is the redevelopment of Baddams Hall into a new, state of the art, theatre, sports and multi-purpose centre.

The state-of-the-art-centre, planned to open in 2025, is set to provide unparalleled opportunities for both students at St Peter’s Woodlands, our school community, and the wider City of Holdfast Bay.

With the capacity to seat more than 600 people in tiered seating, the temperature-controlled space will also house the latest sound, lighting, and staging technology, and is being designed by Chris Morley from Echelon Studio.

Paul Mesecke, School Community Coordinator at St Peter’s Woodlands said the centre will enable our school to honour and support our fantastic creative arts and sporting heritage – including key events like the annual school musical and cabaret night.

“We have an unusually large range of performance opportunities for our students including the annual musical. It’s rare for a primary school to put on an annual musical which can involve up to 180 of our students,” he said.

This space will allow us to rehearse and perform on school grounds, rather than having to go offsite.

It will also have the dual purpose of being an indoor space for SPW’s sports department, and a place for the whole school community to gather.

“We’ll be able to use the facility to host indoor and outdoor events, like our Christmas on the Green, as the rear of the centre will open to our beautiful oval,” said Paul.

“The Centre’s size also means the entire student cohort will be able to gather, regardless of the weather.”

It’s not just the school community that are set to benefit, though – with the Centre being a first of its kind for the City of Holdfast Bay.

“There is nothing in this area that seats up to 600 people, so it’s also our way of giving back to the community, and the people of Holdfast Bay as well,” Paul said.

“There are so many community groups like choirs, ballet schools and martial arts groups who have members that live, rehearse and practice in the area, but must go across town or into the city to find a space to actually perform.

“This Centre will allow the wider Glenelg community to stay local and support local,” he said.

From vision to reality

On Wednesday 24 May, St Peter’s Woodlands will be holding ‘The Day of Extraordinary’, a 24-hour giving day to raise funds for this once-in-a-lifetime project.

A variety of exciting events are planned for the day, beginning with a breakfast for families, hosted by the Parents and Friends Association, with the school’s talented choirs and music ensembles providing entertainment.

Recognising that grandparents have always been an integral part of our school community, grandparents and special friends will be invited to special events, featuring entertainment, an opportunity to visit the classrooms and tours of the beautiful school grounds.

“We’re so blessed to have a 160-year-old history and 100 years on this particular site here at St Peter’s Woodlands,” Paul said.

“Throughout this time, we’ve benefited from the legacy of people who’ve come before us, creating a rich heritage of education for our students today.

“Now, our community has the opportunity to continue this legacy, by engaging, supporting and encouraging the next generation.”

To help leave a lasting legacy for generations of students at St Peter’s Woodlands, online donations can be made by visiting The Day of Extraordinary’s Charidy site, between 8pm Tuesday 23 May and 8pm on Wednesday 24 May.

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