When those little baby teeth fall out it may be time to brace yourselves… literally! Irregularities in teeth and jaws are not uncommon, especially in young developing kiddos, but sometimes it can be difficult to decipher what the problems and solutions are. That’s why we have the experts!
The wonderful team at Transform Orthodontic Care are here to answer all of our Orthodontic questions.
The Transform team is led by Dr Daniel De Angelis, a father of two and a South Australian accredited Specialist Orthodontist, who has been straightening teeth and correcting bites for over 20 years.

We ask Dr Daniel about payment plans, how to know when to go, and more:
How do you know when it’s time to see an orthodontist?
For kiddos and adolescents:
*You have a kiddo aged 7 – 10 years of age and you’re concerned about their teeth, or they are showing signs of the following characteristics:
– Early loss of baby teeth (before age five)
– If their teeth do not meet properly when biting
– Mouth breathing and/or snoring
– If your child’s front teeth are crowded (around age seven or eight)
– Protruding front teeth
– Biting or chewing difficulties
– A speech impediment
– If your child’s jaw shifts when he or she opens or closes their mouth
– If your child is older than five years and still sucks a thumb or finger
For adults:
– You want to straighten your teeth!
– You need help with a jaw problem which has impacted you in adulthood (orthodontists can help with some forms of sleep apnoea)

Why should my child see an orthodontist?
· Only a specialist orthodontist has the training, experience and expert knowledge to determine the most appropriate treatment options for straightening teeth and correcting bites.
· Dr De Angelis has the training (an extra 3 years on top of a general dental degree), experience (20 years worth) and expertise to accurately determine what’s normal, and what isn’t normal, particularly when assessing the development of a child’s mouth.
Do you have payment plans?
We sure do! We can arrange 0% interest free payment plan solutions to suit your budget and we also offer discounts for those who opt to pay in full at the commencement of treatment and for kiddos in the same family.
I have private health insurance, can I claim my orthodontic treatment?
A portion of your orthodontic treatment may be covered as part of your ‘extras’ cover with your private health insurance company. We can’t directly liaise with your private health insurer on your behalf but we can provide you with all the information you need to discuss any rebate to which your kiddo may be eligible.
If you’re a specialist, does that mean I need a referral?
The great news is you don’t need a referral from you or your kiddo’s dentist! But we work with your dentist and keep them informed of your assessment and/or treatment. Maintaining your general dental health with your dentist is really important. TOC patients get a movie ticket if they see their dentist every 6 months!

5 dot points of prepping your kiddo for the orthodontist
Just like the dentist, your kiddo will sit back in a reclining chair, except there are no needles or drills in sight (yay)
Dr De Angelis will assess your kiddo’s face, jaws, mouth and teeth with a mirror. Mum and Dad will be in the room too.
X-rays may be taken on the day
Dr De Angelis will discuss any concerns Mum or Dad may have and then talk you through the best personalised treatment option (if treatment is required)
One of our friendly Treatment Coordinators (Di or Tracey) who will be in the same room, will go through cost, timeframes and answer any other questions you or your kiddo may have.
The Clear Alternative to Braces – Invisalign!
Dr De Angelis was one of the first providers of Invisalign in Australia! More than 1000 patients have had their teeth straightened with Invisalign by Dr De Angelis and it’s for all ages. Transform Orthodontics have both young kids and patients in their 50s straightening their teeth with Invisalign.

You’ll find TOC at St Peters, West Lakes and Modbury.
133 TOC (133 862) transformorthocare.com.au