Students co-design new play space at St Andrew’s School

A vibrant new play space has been brought to life at St Andrew’s School, thanks to the collaborative efforts between a dedicated group of students and nature play design and construct company, Dirtwork Landscapes.

Students were engaged in the design process from start to finish, participating in discussions and brainstorming sessions with Dirtwork Landscapes, to bring their vision to life. “We met with the students a few times to hear their ideas and worked together to create a space that would meet their needs and interests”, says Rachel, Owner and Designer at Dirtwork Landscapes.

The result is a space that is both fun and functional, offering opportunities for creative play, collaboration, appropriate risk-taking, strength building, and relaxation.

“This space has been designed by students, for students, and is a practical example of student agency being central to our core at St Andrew’s School,” says St Andrew’s School Principal, Mr Luke Ritchie.

The newly designed play space encompasses an array of natural features and structures, with highlights including a prominent dragon tree at the centre, a dedicated waterplay area, and timeless classics like monkey bars and a slide.

“In a world where screen time often competes for children’s attention, the benefits of play cannot be overstated,” says Year 2 Teacher, Mrs Michelle Bode.

At St Andrew’s, we believe that play is not only an integral part of childhood but fundamental to lifelong learning and development.

This outdoor play space was made possible thanks to the generous support of the St Andrew’s Parents’ Association and the Department for Education.

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