New Arts and Sports Precinct at Mercedes College

A new $20m Arts and Sports Precinct to support world-class learning and student wellbeing is one step closer to realisation at Mercedes College, with conceptual plans submitted to council. We have your first look at a fly through of the proposed upgrades.

A new $20m Arts and Sports Precinct to support world-class learning and student wellbeing is one step closer to realisation at Mercedes College, with conceptual plans submitted to council.

Centred on three main design principles – body, mind and spirit – the new precinct will comprise a performing arts space, a high performance sports centre, communal outdoor spaces and external netball and tennis courts.

mercedes college outdoor courts

Learning, Connection, Community

The design is inspired by the College’s beautiful surroundings and the grounds’ botanical nature, connecting heritage with the future through contemporary style, offering spaces for learning, connection, community, performing arts and sport.

Principal Mr Andrew Balkwill said the design concept for the precinct addressed the immediate and future needs of the students and parents including new curriculum offerings, and also considered the needs of the broader community, particularly relating to traffic and safety.

‘The vision of the Arts and Sports Precinct is to create a sustainable, contemporary, innovative and flexible learning space for students to ‘Flourish’’, said Principal Balkwill.

aerial view mercedes college
indoor courts mercedes college

State of the art sports facilities & performing arts centre

The state of the art sports facilities will be enhanced by the use of contemporary technologies and provide the ability for whole of school gatherings such as academic ceremonies.

The performing arts centre will be a raw and experimental space where students can collaborate and express themselves in a creative way. Expressed in the landscape is the spirit of the College, connecting the oval and campus, creating spaces for reflection, wellness, learning, and collaboration.

This development will be an exciting new chapter for Mercedes College, presenting superior learning outcomes for students both now and into the future.

See a Fly through of the conceptual plans

This short video highlights more of the complex, including a first look at the new Gleeson Hall, which will be transformed into a centre for creativity, self-expression and performing arts.

This will provide spaces for collaboration, rehearsals, group activity, and a stage and auditorium for performances and events.

Mercedes College welcomes enrolments for Reception and Year 7, 2022.

For more information:

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