Nature Play SA launches ‘Teach Out’ Toolkit to support educators and families in 2022

Nature Play SA have released a suite of resources to support educators and families for return-to-school in 2022, and it couldn’t come at a better time! The Teach Out Toolkit is all about learning outdoors and is full to the brim with lesson plans, missions and ideas to support student’s learning – wherever they are.
Outdoor Learning Passport

Nature Play SA are at the helm of inspiring SA families and kids to engage and connect with nature through outdoor learning, play and immersion. There are many tried and tested routines that help when working outdoors with students as well as go-to resources to support all kinds of learning.

teach out toolkit nature play sa

Teach Out Toolkit

Nature Play SA’s Teach Out Toolkit offers suggestions and resources to support with class management, setting up in the outdoors and working with ease and confidence to deliver curriculum in a dynamic outdoor environment.

The toolkit also features an Outdoor Learning Passport for students; this is their passport to outdoor learning and adventure! Students can take it with them as they explore the magic of the natural environment and enjoy lessons in the outdoors.

nature play teach out toolkit lesson 1

There are 10 lessons to complete, with pages to draw, take notes, record ideas and reflections. Each lesson is linked to bonus missions to complete at home or school.

Nature Play SA has created this resource to support teachers and students with a series of outdoor learning lessons and missions. We hope that you use the ideas presented as provocations and inspiration and adapt them to suit the age, stage and learning needs of the children in your care.

For more information or to download the lesson plans:

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