Female Principal appointed for Rostrevor College | First in 98 year history

Rostrevor College has announced the appointment of the College's first female Principal in their 98 year history. Ms Shana Bennet is believed to be making history as the first female principal of a boys school in South Australia.

Leading South Australian boys’ school Rostrevor College has appointed an exceptional educator as its first female principal in its 98-year history.

Ms Shana Bennett will take up the role in January 2022, just ahead of the College’s Centenary year in 2023.

rostrevor boys

Edmund Rice Education Australia, the governing body which operates Rostrevor College, said it was delighted to appoint Ms Bennett to lead the College of 920 students after an extensive recruitment process.

“We are very excited to usher in the next century of Catholic education at Rostrevor College with such a dynamic, experienced and well-respected Principal,” EREA Executive Director Dr Craig Wattam said.

“Shana is an exceptional educator and a very experienced leader in Catholic and boys’ education, with significant experience in the R-12 setting.”

female principal rostrevor

First female principal of any all-boys school in South Australia

Ms Bennett, who is currently the Deputy Principal at Sacred Heart College will make history as the first female principal of any all-boys school in South Australia. She said teaching and supporting boys was second nature to her.

“As the Deputy Principal at Sacred Heart College, I am currently responsible for many, many boys,” she said. “I have been educating boys in the Catholic education sector for the past 20 years.”

“Boys do learn differently but I believe it is the quality of relationship between learner and educator that is most important. I look forward to working alongside the many experienced educators at Rostrevor who understand boys and how they learn, and who enjoy bringing out the best in every student.”

Ms Bennett has held leadership roles at more than six South Australian schools and is experienced in both primary and secondary education sectors.

The Chair of the Rostrevor College Advisory Council, Dr Vin Thomas, said Ms Bennett’s appointment was very significant as the College approached its centenary in 2023.

“Shana is an engaging leader who brings extensive experience, knowledge, skills and attributes to the Rostrevor College community,” he said. “I have no doubt that she will be made very welcome by our community.


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