Feeding the goats and patting the alpacas just got a whole lot more exciting kiddos! The Adelaide Zoo’s new Variety Children’s Zoo is just months from completion!
Soon quokkas, critically-endangered bettongs, goats and many more of the zoos beloved animals will make the trot to the new and improved Variety Children’s Zoo.
The sensory experience of being able to touch, feel and feed the animals will be even more thrilling for little ones than before. The $1.1 million plans include an interactive, immersive precinct connected to everyone’s favourite; Nature’s Playground.
Variety Children’s Zoo will create ooh’s and ahh’s for years to come with its feature two-level elements, balance beams and ladders for goats, climbing branches for quokkas, a dedicated presentation area for keepers to give educational talks, and aerial walkways connecting the new children’s zoo to Nature’s Playground.
Zoos SA Chief Executive Elaine Bensted says the new Variety Children’s Zoo will help encourage and develop the next generation of conservationists, no matter their ability.
“Our vision for the Variety Children’s Zoo is to help kids get hands on as they learn and connect with wildlife, and in doing so develop a strong passion for conservation,” Ms Bensted says.

Be the Face of the Variety Children’s Zoo!
Want your face to be part of the new Zoo? A larger-than-life art installation will take centre stage in the new zoo area and, for just $50, people can purchase a tile with their photo to remain in the Variety Children’s Zoo forever.
Submit your photo before 31 August to be part of the installation!
For more information:

Variety Children’s Zoo Art Competition
Grab all your best colouring pencils and get ready to let your imagination run WILD!
Draw your best goat, chicken, guinea pig, rabbit or quokka or zoo pic – the options are endless!
Winning entries will be featured in the promotions for the new and exciting precinct. How special is that?
Simply upload your child’s illustration to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #varietychildrenszoo, drop it to zoo staff or send to competitions@zoossa.com.au