What Mummy Makes: Baby’s First Curry

RECIPE: Rebecca Wilson's 'What Mummy Makes' guides parents through the first few weeks of weaning, including advice for first tastes and how to move onto next steps. It’s filled with over 130 simple, fresh and nutritious recipes that use everyday ingredients, and each one is nutritionally balanced. We share Rebecca's recipe for baby's first curry!

MY FIRST CURRY (Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free)

From Rebecca Wilson’s ‘What Mummy Makes’

Mild coconut, pea and chicken curry. Ready in just 15 minutes, this flavourful meal is a great way to introduce Indian flavours to baby.

Serves 2 adults and 2 littles
15 minutes


1 mug of basmati rice
1 tbsp coconut or sunflower oil
6 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, or 3 large chicken breasts, cut into 2cm (3/4in) wide strips
1 ½ tbsp tomato purée (paste)
2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp mild curry powder 1 tsp ground cumin
11⁄2 tsp garam masala 1 tsp paprika
1 tsp mango powder (optional)
400ml can coconut milk
2 big handfuls of frozen peas
freshly ground black pepper


Pour the mug of rice into a saucepan. Fill the same mug up twice with boiling water from the kettle and add to the rice. Place the saucepan over a high heat and bring it to the boil, then put the lid on, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 12 minutes. Don’t take the lid off until the time is up.

Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, melt the coconut oil over a medium heat, add the chicken strips and cook for 4 minutes, stirring every so often.

Add the tomato purée, garlic, all of the spices and a good grinding of black pepper, and cook for 30–60 seconds, stirring constantly so they don’t burn.

Add the coconut milk and frozen peas. Half-fill the empty coconut can with cold water, swilling the liquid around to gather as much of the coconut milk into the water as possible, then add this to the curry. Stir and let it all bubble away for around 8 minutes until the rice is done. Add more water if you feel the sauce is becoming too thick.

Once the rice timer is up, turn off the heat and remove the lid. Use a fork to move one section of rice away gently so you can see the bottom of the pan. If you see no water at the base of the pan and the rice looks fluffy, it’s done. Place the lid back on the rice and let it rest for 2 minutes or until you’re ready to serve.
Fluff the rice up with a fork and serve alongside the curry.

This curry is great to serve baby as a finger food. Or you can blitz up a small amount along with some rice and serve as a purée for baby, or chop the chicken and mix through the rice for a more textured meal. Another tip is to mix a little rice with some of the curry sauce and roll into a ball. This helps baby pick up the rice and eat it independently.


Don’t shy away from introducing spice to baby from the age of 6 months. Getting your little one used to a variety of flavours is important for raising a confident eater. If you like stronger heat, add a scattering of fresh chilli or dried chilli flakes to adult plates.

Find more recipes like this in ‘What Mummy Makes’

By Rebecca Wilson

What Mummy Makes Rebecca Wilson

Cooking one meal for the whole family

‘What Mummy Makes’ promotes the joys and benefits of sharing family meals, where baby learns how to eat by watching parents, carers and older children at the table. Eating together encourages babies and children to try a more varied diet, which can help reduce fussiness, and instils a healthy eating routine so mealtimes are less of a struggle. And importantly for busy parents, cooking one meal for the whole family means less stress, time and effort spent in the kitchen.

130+ simple, fresh and nutritious recipes

What Mummy Makes guides parents through the first few weeks of weaning, including advice for first tastes and how to move onto next steps. It’s filled with over 130 simple, fresh and nutritious recipes that use everyday ingredients, and each one is nutritionally balanced. With new and exclusive recipes, the book also features popular favourites loved by the @WhatMummyMakes community. Tried and tested, Rebecca’s healthy dishes can be whipped up in a matter of moments, and all of the recipes in the book are ready in under 30 minutes. With clear, easy to follow instructions and beautiful photography, the book shows you how to serve meals for little ones to enjoy safely.

Breakfasts, lunches, main meals, snacks and treats

From breakfasts, lunches and main meals, to snacks and treats, there are plenty of inspiring dishes to try. Delicious recipes include Carrot Cake Porridge and Sheet Pan Pancakes, Cheesy Broccoli Orzo, Spinach and Ricotta Puff Parcels, and One-Pan Lemon Salmon with Courgette and Potato Wedges. There are baby-friendly versions of family classics like Chilli Con Carne, curry, stir-fry and fajitas, and mouth-watering snacks and puddings, including Carrot and Apple Soft Oaty Bars and Creamy Mango and Raspberry Ice Lollies.

Make your life a little easier with ‘What Mummy Makes’

Rebecca’s recipes make life a little easier, from top tips for essential ingredients to stock up on to make quick, nutritious meals in a flash, to dishes you can prep and freeze to get ahead, and food for fussy eaters. There is also plenty of expert, nutritionist approved advice to help guide parents and carers, including foods to avoid when weaning, nutritional food profiles, and how to incorporate milk feeds.

What Mummy Makes by Rebecca Wilson is published by Penguin Random House, 23 July 2020.

RRP $29.99


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