Supermarket Swap: Mini Easter Eggs
This year, Simple Swap guru Nabula from Supermarket Swap is comparing mini easter eggs. Now before you tell us you don’t want us ruining your easter indulgence, hear us out!
Searching for easter treats that are additive and preservative free, taste good and don’t break the bank is no small task, but if anyone can do it, Nabs can! And she has!
Now keep in mind, there are limited supermarket options available, but the independent retailers do OK, so you can have your easter eggs and eat them too!
Best Independent Options

Best Supermarket Options

Choices to avoid

Supermarket Swap Top tips for Easter
The trick to reducing the amount of artificial additives you or your child consumes this easter is to buy plain dark or milk chocolate.
The kids are simply happy with chocolate, once you start reaching for the fancy exciting eggs, you are hit with a magnitude of unnecessary additives, and no one wants to deal with the sugar AND additive melt down this easter.
Jump online ASAP and stock up, the premium brands sell out quickly.
Enjoy your treats, but shop wisely!
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