Super Cool Popsicles with Jessie Spiby

It has been a busy ride for Jessie Spiby since appearing on MasterChef Australia in 2015. These days you will find her at Plant 4 in Bowden where she is a resident event caterer, penning articles and recipes as well as curating her pop-up event Food, Booze + Dancing Shoes.


My childhood summer memories are of beach trips, boogie boards, being lathered head to toe in sunscreen by my mother and cooling off after school in my grandmother’s swimming pool, happily slurping on her home-made lemon cordial popsicles. Summer is here along with a bounty of yummy seasonal fruits that are just begging to be turned into scrumptious frozen treats.

These popsicles are a step up from grandma’s and are ridiculously easy and totally customisable, but the best bit, dare I say it, is that they are pretty damn healthy too! Go nuts and create your own flavour combinations. Blend any fruit you like, add extra yoghurt or indeed have none. Try adding a bit of mint, pieces of fruit, fruit purees or freshly juiced fruit. Try iced tea, herb infusions or fruit teas for an icy sophisticated take on the humble ice block.


1 banana
1 mango
Honey to taste (this is optional, ripe mangos usually don’t need sweetening)
200mls coconut milk or yoghurt


In a blender blitz all the ingredients together. Pour the mixture into the moulds, and freeze for about 3-4 hours. If you are using pop sticks place them into the iceblocks about half an hour after placing in the freezer. This will stop the sticks sinking down too far.


1 cup of seasonal fruit – berries, grapes, kiwi, peaches
Honey to taste
200mls natural yoghurt, coconut yoghurt for dairy free
1/2 cup granola – homemade or low sugar store bought


Mix your desired amount of honey into the yoghurt.
Fill your mould about 1/4 full of fruit. Pour the yoghurt in to moulds making sure there aren’t any air bubbles. A good tap on the bench will get them out or you can stick a chopstick in to release the bubbles.
Mix a couple of tablespoons of yoghurt into the granola to moisten the mixture. This will help it stick and freeze in the mould. Top the yoghurt with spoonful of granola mixture.
Freeze for about 3-4 hours. If you are using pop sticks place them into the iceblocks about half an hour after placing in the freezer. This will stop the sticks sinking down too far.

For a naughty addition try making your own hard setting chocolate sauce by melting together 180g of dark or milk chocolate with 100ml of coconut oil in the microwave. Stir every 20 seconds to prevent burning in spots, or melt in a heat proof bowl over a simmering saucepan. Let it get to room temperature before dipping your iceblock. Save the left sauce and melt together once again next time you want to use it.

Facebook  JessieSpibyCooks
Instagram @jessie_spiby
Twitter  jessie_spiby

All images by Meaghan Coles Now and Then Photography

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