Wishful thinking becomes a reality for Patch Theatre and Gravity and Other Myths

Patch Theatre and renowned circus company Gravity & Other Myths (GOM) present the world premiere of I Wish... a show designed for children aged 4-12 years which will play across Adelaide and regional South Australia.

IMAGES: Darcy Grant

Acrobatic virtuosity, state of the art creative technology and a kaleidoscope of colour will explode onto the stage as Patch Theatre and renowned circus company Gravity & Other Myths (GOM) present the world premiere of I Wish… a show designed for children aged 4-12 years which will play across Adelaide and regional South Australia.

I Wish… is an acrobatic adventure that combines Geoff Cobham’s signature high tech projections and stunning lighting design, with Darcy Grant’s lauded acrobatic choreography in a unique collaboration between two of South Australia’s leading artistic companies.

i wish

Geoff Cobham, Artistic Director of Patch Theatre said:

“The show explores the notion that people are made up of lots of stuff; good stuff and bad stuff, happy and sad stuff, stinky, odd, boring, dangerous, funny, sparkling potions kind of stuff! But in amongst it all, every single person has a secret ingredient, we just need to figure out what our secret ingredient is.”

Starring acrobats Lisa Goldsworthy and Simon McClure (from GOM) and dancers Zoë Dunwoodie (previously Australian Dance Theatre) and Wakara Gondarra (Djuki Mala), the show features original music by Luke Smiles, quirky animation by Luku Kuku and takes the young and young at heart on a discovery to find out what makes us who we are.

i wish patch theatre

Feelings, emotions, moods and sensations

I Wish… is the fourth time Geoff Cobham and Darcy Grant have worked together, but is the first time that Patch Theatre and Gravity & Other Myths have collaborated.

The work explores feelings, emotions, moods and sensations. It looks at our ability to transfer emotions or feelings from ourselves to someone else, and explores the role that colours play in reflecting our mood.

Darcy Grant, Creative Lead at Gravity & other Myths said:

“We take the audience through the process of navigating the roller coaster of feelings and moods we have as human beings, as well as all the different personas any one individual might have depending on who they’re interacting with. We explore everything from the poignancy of loss, to total contentment, to having fun and being silly. There’s also a healthy dose of humour through the one subject that is the source of endless guffaws and giggles in kids and adults alike, perhaps more so than any other human experience – farting!”

I Wish… opens at the Space Theatre on Thursday August 20 and runs until August 28, then tours to Noarlunga, Port Pirie, Whyalla, Renmark, Mt Gambier, Tanunda and Golden Grove.

Tour Dates

Family performances

Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre: Friday 20 August & 27 August, 6.30pm | Sat 21, 28 August, 2pm

Noarlunga, Hopgood Theatre: Fri 3 September, 6.30pm |  Sat 4 September, 10am

School shows

Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre: August 16 – August 27

For more information or tickets:


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