Santa’s Wonderland comes to town at Adelaide Showground

santas wonderland 2022
We had the pleasure of sending along two expert reviewers, Frankie, 5 and August, 3, to the premiere of Santa's Wonderland at Adelaide Showground this year.

Santa’s Wonderland has come to town and it’s bursting with Christmas cheer! With something to do for kiddos big and small, the whole family is sure to have a blast.

Enter the Jubilee Pavilion at the Adelaide Showground and be transported to a Christmas wonderland of ice-skating, toboganning, rides, games, fairy floss and more! Get ready for an explosion of colour, lights, music and all the things that make Christmas fantastic!

Our Kiddo team hit Santa’s Wonderland for the premiere on Friday 1st of December. Our expert reviewers, Frankie, 5 and August, 3, had a whirlwind of a time going from activity to activity and soaking up all of the Christmas joy. Highlights included meeting the Ice Queen, painting and drawing on 10-stop activity trail, and the ride on motorbikes.

“My favourite thing was the teacup ride,” says August. And Frankie said, “I loved the jumping castles but I can’t just pick one thing!” Santa’s Wonderland is a playground of wonderful things to do that the kids are entertained for the full three hours of the allocated time – my girls did not want to leave!

We also enjoyed the new stop on the activity trail the Interactive Colour Play, riding reindeer and playing games for prizes.

The wonderful activities on offer:

  • Over 12 amusement rides like Dragon wagon coaster, ride on motorbikes and convoy trucks
  • Three enormous jumping castles
  • Live stage performances
  • Ride on reindeer
  • Ice skating (bring socks! But don’t worry, if you forget they sell pairs there)
  • A giant toboggan slide
  • 10-stop activity trail including decorating baubles and writing letters to Santa
  • Gingerbread Decorating
  • Visit Santa for photos
  • Games to play to win prizes
  • Showbags
  • Santa’s Wonderland keepsakes
  • And so. much. more!!


I was overjoyed to experience the magic of Christmas together with my girls. The adults are immersed in the fun right alongside our little ones and made the most of everything that they had on offer.

Your ticket price lets you ride, glide, slide and bounce as many times as you like! That’s right, all of the rides and activities are included in the price… meaning they’re free, right? Mum math! Keep in mind there are extra costs for food and drinks, showbags, sideshow games, gingerbread decorating and Santa photos.

To top off the carnival experience all of the usual carnival food is on offer. From dagwood dogs, popcorn, fairy floss and hot chips. My girls FINALLY got a toffee apple, thanks to Bluey they’ve been begging for one all year. But if carnival food is not your style, they welcome you to bring your own food and drinks.

I’ll leave you with my top tip: work out what everyone wants to do and come up with a game plan so there is maximum joy experienced. Parents come prepared. There is SO much on offer here and it must be taken advantage of!!

Get the family to Santa’s Wonderland this Christmas to be engrossed together in the unforgettable Christmas fun. We had such a spectacular time and the kiddos will be talking about this for months to come.

Santa’s Wonderland 2023

Jubilee Wayville, Adelaide Showground

1-24 December, 2023

Main photo credit: Nick Lawrence, 2022

For more information:



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