REVIEW: Bricks4Kidz School Holiday Workshops

KID-FRIENDLY REVIEW: Looking for a school holiday activity that's chock-a-block full of fun? We took a test run of the Bricks4Kidz school holiday workshops where kids learn, build and play with Lego ALL DAY long. We've got the low down on what your kiddos can expect. Spoiler alert, they're gonna wanna (Le)GO!

There’s really no better feedback from a kiddo after an activity than “can we do this again?”

And as luck would have it, that was the first thing my 9-year old son said to me when I collected him from a Bricks4Kidz School Holiday Workshop, and my two daughters (9 and 6 years) were not far behind him.

bricks 4 kidz school holiday workshops
brickz4kidz school holidays

Bricks4Kidz School Holiday Workshops

There’s just way too much fun to be had for your Lego-loving lads and lasses at these hands-on build-based workshops. The Bricks4Kidz holiday programs cycle through a variety of themes to keep things fresh (and dynamic for those repeat attendees!), with our KIDDO crew being lucky enough to attend an Amusement Park Mayhem themed day.

The crew of little Lego learners, build beginners and future engineering experts were guided through activities and helped along with building their favourite rides, learning how to make things spin, roll, turn and rock with the help of the fantastic Bricks4Kidz facilitators.

By the end of the day they were able to take what they’d learned to design their own thrills and challenges, taking the action to the max and the fun to the next level with motorised models and more complex Lego Technic builds.

bricks4kids school holiday program

Other popular Bricks4Kidz school holiday workshop themes include:

  • Superheroes
  • Olympic Games
  • Galaxy far away (inspired by Star Wars)
  • Mining and crafting (inspired by Minecraft)
  • Dinosaurs
  • Super Mario
  • Bridges and structures
  • Ninjas
  • Brick city engineers
  • Junior robotics

bricks 4 kidz school holiday workshops

bricks 4 kidz school holiday workshops


One of the things parents can feel great about when sending their kids to a Bricks4Kidz school holiday workshop is that the team pride themselves on being high quality providers of edu-tainment… for those playing at home, that’s a whole lot of fun with a little bit of hidden learning in there for good measure… and we sure do like the sound of that!

It’s not a lesson. It’s not school. There’s no homework. It’s just a creative environment where kids benefit intellectually through quality play and most importantly, activities that are chock-a-block (…geddit?) full of FUN!

lego bricks4kidz
bricks 4 kidz school holiday workshops

Bricks4Kidz One-Day School Holiday Workshops

The team at Bricks4Kidz know all the building blocks that make up a good time, with these one-day school holiday workshops blending fun and learning into a great alternative for child care during the hols.

Activities throughout the day included: 

  • 2D Lego mosaic building – Kids make pictures of their favourite fictional characters using Lego bricks on a baseboard… from spider man to wonder woman, R2D2 to Olaf the Snowman, there’s a design to suit kiddos of all ages and interests. This is mainly targeted at the younger kids, 5-6 year olds to develop their fine motor skills. Kids also have the option to build these using perler beads so they can take home their creations!
  • 3D Colour Models – Spectacularly colourful models are a joy to build and immerse kids in the fantasy world of the workshop theme. Kids follow the detailed instruction booklet and the super friendly facilitators are always on hand to assist with some of the more advanced steps in these challenging and fun designs. Kids of all ages (5-12) will get a thrill building these models.
  • Lego Technic Builds – From Ferris wheel to a roller coaster, the BatMobile to a robotic golf putting machine, the Bricks4Kidz motorised, remote controllable, spinning and moving technical builds will have kiddos building and using their creativity to make their creations faster, better and stronger! These activities are aimed at the older kids (7-12) where they’ll accidentally learn STEM concepts from the trained instructors in a fun environment.
  • Games include: The tallest tower challenge, Super Mario’s Kart Race, Angered Birds Vs Pocket Monsters Catapult Challenge and many more. Kiddos also have some time to run around outside during lunch so they get that all important vitamin D throughout the day!

Each kiddo also left with a small Lego model to take home and build which sure took the sting out of dismantling their creations at the end of the day!

brickz4kidz school holidays
bricks 4 kidz school holiday workshops

Bricks4Kidz School Holiday Workshops

To find out more about upcoming Bricks4Kidz school holiday workshops, after school programs and birthday parties and events where your kids will learn, build and play, make sure to head to their website or follow along on social media.

For more information:
Address: North Adelaide, SA
Phone: 0420 900 445

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