Are you sober-curious this Christmas?

sober curious non alcoholic drinks
We round up some of the top non-alcoholic drinks for the sober curious. Whether it's for the festive season or forever, you don't have to wake up with a hangover tomorrow to have a delicious drink tonight!

WORDS: Lucy Budzynska

The holiday season is knocking at our door. For some of us, that means a rollercoaster of having one too many drinks and suffering the consequences over and over. At least this was me and it made parenting small children really tough. I got to the point where enough was enough and I decided to give up alcohol indefinitely – what I have started calling, sober-curious.

Instead of reaching for the sparkling rose, I now have another option to celebrate the holidays, and it’s non-alcoholic drinks. Forget the juice and soft drinks – I am talking actually tastes like the real-thing non-alcoholic drinks.

The best part is no one has asked me if I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant. They’re basically a shield from idiotic questions! No one can tell your drink has no alcohol in it.

non alcoholic drinks for christmas

What’s more, this is the cure for the FOMO you might get from turning down a glass of bubbles. The whole experience, from perusing the aisles to popping the cork, is kept intact…yet without the alcohol.

There are obvious health benefits too. I now enjoy the holidays with zero alcohol-related headaches and fatigue, I get to drive home without any worry, and I wake up refreshed and hydrated ready to parent my children.

To get some of the best South Australian options for summer we spoke with Lisa Fraser of the brand-new ANA Drinks on Hutt Street. Below are her top picks for sober-curious parents or parents-to-be. 

Lisa’s top picks in non alcoholic beverages:

  1. Artisan Distillers (SA), The Pretender Non-Alc Gin – vibrant citrus notes RRP $38.00
  2. Barossa Wine Cartel (SA), No,No Rose – sweet rose, notes of lime throughout RRP $25.00
  3. Polka (SA), Lilly Pilly Sparkling – delicious and slightly sweet bubbles RRP $19.99


Lisa says the products available for the sober curious are now very good. 

Take your time to sample and try things over the coming months to figure out what you like. At ANA Drinks we have over 120 products in beers, wines & spirits to choose from. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with what’s out there!

Even if you’re giving up alcohol for now, forever or just while you grow and feed babies. We now have tasty options to fill the bubbles void these holidays and beyond.

ANA Drinks – Stands for Australian Non Alcoholic, Shop 1 / 206-208 Hutt Street, Adelaide

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