Songs to share with your kids
I get it, in between scrubbing white footy guernseys (yep, someone really ticked off on that decision), finding matching socks and getting your heads around your kids social engagements as they start to reappear, staying on top of new music releases is no easy feat.
But I’m a firm believer in better late than never and with one more week of holidays left I’m hoping you might be able to share some of these discoveries with your kids. These are songs to make you both think and sing…
First Nations Musicians
As you may well know, NAIDOC Week – the nationwide event that celebrates the heritage, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – would have taken place from July 5 to July 12 if COVID-19 hadn’t posed community health and safety risks. Damn virus, be gone already!
So, with it postponed until November the Adelaide Festival Centre brought together some of South Australia’s most talented First Nations musicians to celebrate original music and mark the week that would have been.
The virtual event featured accomplished artists Jessica Wishart, Nancy Bates, Corey Theatre, Nathan May and J-MILLA who each wrote new music in response to this year’s theme: Always Was, Always Will Be.
And while the daily posts on their Facebook page may have been shuffled further down since then you can visit them easily online via: adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au/whats-on/the-show-must-go-on
In her soulful track “You Got A Habit” Jessica Wishart talks about the continuing lack of recognition for First Nations peoples, backed by Nancy Bates on vocals and guitar.
Get a second dose of sublime vocals from Nancy Bates in her own track “Sweet River Water” which details what has been lost due to mistreatment of the Murray/Darling Basin.
Corey Theatre uses his bluesy roots track “It Wasn’t Always This Way” to describe what has in fact changed over the last 200 years.
Nathan May – who ABC listeners will remember joined us on-stage for Flat Out Fringe earlier in the year – talks about connection and plays tribute to his Grandma’s birth place, Maree, in his heartfelt country style song “Belong”.
And finally, up and coming rap artist J-MILLA shares his message in the pop-infused song “60K+” – the title referring to the 60,000 plus years of Aboriginal heritage.
Check them out. They’re great listening and may start an important conversation.

Outstanding Female Vocalist Nuala Honan
And while you’re on-line head over to nualahonan.com to see what this fine vocalist from Cleve is up to over in Bristol.
Nuala Honan was awarded the SA Music Industry Award for Most Outstanding Female Vocalist before moving to England – aged just 19 – to be closer to her family’s Irish music heritage and an adventurous music scene. She settled in Bristol and has become a fixture in the city’s music community as both a performer and a promoter, festival stage programmer and advocate for women in the music industry. I can’t see her coming home any time soon.
So, I love that she has stayed in touch me regarding her releases. I have missed her ever since. She was great to see live.
Funnily enough, one my favourite moments of Nuala in action wasn’t even at her own gig. It was when she joined Tim Rogers on stage at The Gov. He was performing solo and forgot the words to one of his own songs. She jumped up with him and finished it brilliantly! The home crowd went understandably wild.
She unleashes her gorgeous vocals on a new track “Part of Something” in a way I’ve never quite heard before. And the arrangement is big too. A joining of forces. A big fat fuzzy telecaster sound and tumultuous drums adjacent to singing that is almost operatic at times. The description pop-drama makes sense. But this is drama with an edge. And a message too.
Exploring the strength in vulnerability and human connection is a theme Nuala has placed front and centre in her life in recent years. Which it turns out has universal poignancy with the isolation and unrest that COVID-19 continues to offer us all.
So, if like her you have felt, or are feeling, divided, isolated and afraid let “Part of Something” offer you a diversion. Nuala wrote it when she felt the same way.
Until next time, stay safe and healthy and support local music however you can.
Kate x