Join Kidical Mass Adelaide

kidical mass adelaide
Join thousands of children and their families from around the world in taking over their city streets to claim their right to ride safely.

The Kidical Mass movement is global!

Kidical Mass is more than just a protest, it gives children a voice, creating a positive vision for the future, connecting the young and old across the cycling community. 

This peaceful protest to see cycling become safe and accessible for children is a family friendly biking event to get more people actively riding. It also supports the promotion of children and the safety of young people on the the road.

How can I get involved in Kidical Mass?

Organising partners Middle Ground MotherhoodBike Adelaide and Australian Parents for Climate Action (plus other friends including XRSA) invite you to their local event on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 10 am beginning and ending at Bonython Park/Tulya Wardli.

This event aims to build on last year’s Babes on Bikes Protest Parade in the Adelaide CBD.

Cycling route details will be confirmed closer to the date and will include off-road and on-road elements as well as short and long ride options to suit different skill and energy levels.

After the ride, stay for a picnic and meet other local families and cyclists.

kidical mass event adelaide

A safe and fun event for the whole fam

Please book a ticket to help the team plan a safe and fun event for everyone. Tickets are free but riders are encouraged to support the crowd-funding campaign to help cover costs.

The GoFundMe is live and ready for your donations!

Leading up to the event a number of social rides and workshops are planned to help get prepared. Ticket holders will be contacted directly about these or follow our social media accounts to hear more as these are confirmed.

For more information or to book your FREE tickets:

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