Kiddo’s keen on colouring? Fancy a mindful activity for yourself?
The City of Onkaparinga has released a 24 page colouring book of original black and white line drawings depicting Fleurieu Peninsula wild life, scenery, landmarks and towns.
Contributing artists Donna Chess, Kirstie McGregor, Lesley Redgate and Mary Pulford are Onkaparinga residents with deep connections to the local community and appreciation of the Fleurieu and local environment. Their passion for expressing themselves through their arts practice is evident in the pages of this book, and allows others to join them as they colour.

Whether colouring the fish of Port Noarlunga beach or shading the shoreline of Willunga; this is a great opportunity to get the kids colouring locations they might have visited, and thinking about the colours and shapes of the local landmarks in the state we call home.
For more information or to buy: