BAM WOW back at the Fringe!

Two men with long hair play a drum set, showcasing their musical talent and passion for rhythm.
Get ready to be amazed, wowed, and totally entertained with the return of the BAM WOW Amazing Show!

Bamboozled Productions’ BAM WOW Amazing Show is back and it’s perfect for children of all ages. Packed with laughs, amazing circus tricks, and tons of excitement, it’s a fun-filled event you don’t want to miss at the Garden of Unearthly Delights.

Starring one of Australia’s best jugglers, Mr Spin (also known as Nigel Martin), this action-packed show brings impressive circus skills, silly humour, and funny moments every weekend from February 16 to March 23 at Le Cascadeur.

Mr Spin, a world-famous street performer and film star, is joined by his clever sidekick, THE MAESTRO (Jai Lee-Martin). Together, they put on a fast and funny show with live piano music and hilarious moments that will have both kids and grown-ups laughing.

Dressed in matching suits and bright red socks, THE MAESTRO plays the serious one, while Mr Spin gets up to all sorts of funny tricks and surprises.

Mr Spin’s comedy is all about the unexpected – and the mix of mistakes and triumphs in circus acts will keep everyone on the edge of their seat.

Mr Spin says: “I say ‘Bam,’ you say ‘Wow,’ and together we shout ‘Amazing!’ The BAM WOW Amazing Show is full of laughter, circus wonders, and endless fun – perfect for kids, parents, and everyone who loves a good time!”

Highlights include:

  • A funny clothes routine that will make everyone giggle.
  • A wild music stand act that’s both hilarious and full of surprises.
  • A magical trick, a six-ball juggling challenge, and even a ballet performance!
  • A mind-blowing finale where Mr Spin rides a zig-zag unicycle, plays a mini bass, and juggles drums, a piano accordion, and a trumpet – all at once!

This isn’t just any circus show – it’s the BAM WOW Amazing Show, and yes, there are fart jokes too!

BAM WOW Amazing Show | 16 February – 23 March 2025 | Le Cascadeur at The Garden of Unearthly Delights


To book tickets:

BAM WOW Amazing Show! | Adelaide Fringe


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