Hide and Go Sleep for Dads – a Father’s Day Adventure Gift
From the makers of Mountain Goat Mountain
Looking for something fun and different to do for Dad this Father’s Day?
The makers of Mountain Goat Mountain, the audio led theatre experience for families to do together in their own home, have released a new interactive experience especially for Dads and families this Father’s Day.
Hide & Go Sleep is a family activity kit with everything you need to make your very own treasure hunt for Dad.
With activities to do while Dad is sleeping, and interactive clues that will bring your family together, Hide & go Sleep is more than an activity box.
It’s a sleep in.
It’s a family adventure.
It’s a celebration of everything DAD.

“It felt like it reset us as a unit, with everyone having the chance to articulate the precious things we notice about each other.” Real life Mum

“The best bit was lying in bed hearing the mischievous whispers and the footsteps running around the house. We all love plotting surprises! It was a special morning.” Real Life Dad

Give dad a love-filled adventure this Father’s Day, something the kids can get involved in and take ownership over!
Perfect for families with children aged 4 – 10 years old. Playing time approximately one hour.
For more information: